If you have questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to the CEA office at office@economics.ca. Expanding the Vancouver 2021 conference slightly to accommodate additional sessions. Les frais de déplacement pour aller à la réunion de juin, pendant le congrès annuel de l’ACE, sont remboursés. Congratulations to this year’s presenters and award winners. Forthcoming Papers – Canadian Public Policy 23 https://forms.gle/U8WsmUuAuV3ESPyz5  During the 20th century, manufacturing industries and services became increasingly important.  En ligne Si un membre de l'Association ne faisant pas parti de la liste souhaite se présenter aux élections, sa candidature doit être envoyée au comité des candidatures avant le 1er mars. Doctorats 15 Submissions in any area of theoretical or applied econometrics are welcome, while those in line with the theme are especially welcome. The meetings are a joint effort of many people and it is unfortunate that events have transpired to lead us to this juncture. As such, the board of the CEA has approved the cancellation of the CEA 2020 Meetings that were to be held in Toronto on May 22-24. Présidente If you have any questions about the process or the duties of Board members, please contact Professor Ana Ferrer, Secretary of the Association (aferrer@uwaterloo.ca) or Sonya Marion, our Executive Officer (cea.execdir@gmail.com). Joann Jasiak - York University . Nous nous engageons à élargir la diversité au sein de la gouvernance de l’Association et encourageons particulièrement les candidatures qui nous aideront à atteindre cet objectif. Read more. 8:00 to 8:30 Welcome and Registration. L’ACE invite toutes les personnes souhaitant présenter une communication à la conférence de 2021 à soumettre un résumé d’ici le vendredi 12 février 2021. All the economics literature on one site. If your paper is accepted, it is expected that you are available to serve as a discussant and/or session chair at other sessions within your areas of interest. Agricultural and Environmental Economics (JEL Q) Business Economics (JEL M) Econometrics, Statistics and Quantitative Methods (JEL C) Economic Development, Innovation and Growth (JEL O) Economic History (JEL N) Economic Systems (JEL P) Economic Thought & Methodology (JEL B) Financial Economics (JEL G) General Economics (JEL A) Health, Education, and Welfare (JEL I) Industrial … Cette année, nous élirons 4 nouveaux membres du conseil, dont l'un sera nommé vice-président adjoint (puis vice-président et président) de l'Association. Important : L’adresse électronique employée dans le portail doit correspondre à celle de votre compte de l’ACE. Description. Robert Mundell Prize 6 The Ottawa Declaration Working Group, a consortium of stakeholders co-led by the Canadian Museums Association (CMA) and Library and Archives Canada (LAC), commissioned Oxford Economics to look at the economic and societal value of Canadian GLAMs. Le prix Harry Johnson 6 Nathan Nunn giving the 2019 Harold Innis Lecture at the Banff Cenre for Arts and Creativity, CEA - Bank of Canada Undergraduate Poster Sessions, Rida Aimer (UofT), 2019 Best Poster Award Winner.  Online Ces dernières deux semaines, suite au décès de George Floyd, ont vu un tôlé d‘indignation quant au traitement des Noirs, des Autochtones et des personnes de couleur dans notre société. Awarding the Prizes typically announced at the CEA meeting as scheduled. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION PORTAL Articles à paraître dans – Analyse     de politiques 23, SilkStart Association Management Software. Canada gains nearly $8.6 billion a year in economic benefits in addition to a myriad of social advantages from the existence of GLAMs, according to the study released in May 2020. (Travel expenses to attend the meeting in June, which coincides with the CEA annual conference, are reimbursed). Cette enquête fait partie d'un engagement de l’ACÉ à en savoir plus sur la réalité de la discrimination et de l'injustice raciale dans ses rangs, y compris des formes plus subtiles de préjugés à l'encontre des professeurs racialisés et d'autres personnes marginalisées. This survey is part of a commitment by the CEA to strive to learn more about the reality of discrimination and racial injustice among its ranks, including more subtle forms of biases against racialized faculty and other marginalized people. We will pursue discussions with the economics departments across Canada to make sure they are aware of the code of conduct and to help them in making concrete steps to ensure its implementation for both faculty and students. Le Prix John Rae 7 Each paper alone might contend for the Purvis Prize, but taken together they are greater still – creating a comprehensive, interdependent and state-of-the-art volume on the Canadian policy landscape." www.economics.ca/cpages/cea2021 We are asking input from our members to let us know what concrete steps we can take to address issues of racism as an institution. Any member can propose a special session(s) which may have invited papers. The organizing committee is working to make this hard landing smoother for many by: At this time, the Board would like to thank all of those involved in the machinery that makes for a great CEA meeting. Subscribe to new additions to RePEc. The association by-laws are available here: https://www.economics.ca/cpages/bylaws We commit ourselves both to educating ourselves further on issues related to racism and to making positive, anti-racist change in the economics profession. We very much want to find ways to be part of finding a path of true reconciliation with that community. Articles a paraitre dans – la Revue canadienne d’economique 20 Fellows de l’ACE 2 Who was a student of whom, using RePEc. Nicole Fortin Healthcare in Canada is delivered through the provincial and territorial systems of publicly funded health care, informally called Medicare. If you are proposing someone other than yourself, please ascertain that your ‘proposee’ agrees to serve on the CEA’s Board of Directors. and Subjects, San Diego, January 2020. L’ACÉ travaillera avec le directeur du programme et les présidents des groupes de travail pour élargir la participation des chercheurs de groupes sous-représentés aux événements de l’ACÉ, et une session spéciale sur le racisme anti-noir et ses conséquences se tiendra lors de nos réunions à Vancouver l'année prochaine. En plus d'assister aux réunions du conseil, ils siègent sur un comité du conseil. You may wait to register until you find out whether your paper is accepted but paper presenters must register for the Conference by the registration date in April (See Calendar of Important dates for Registration Deadline), otherwise your paper will be removed from the conference schedule. Pendant le processus de soumission, vous serez invité à diriger votre communication vers une piste (ou un comité scientifique). Si votre communication est acceptée, vous devrez être disponible pour participer à une discussion ou présider une séance dans votre domaine d’intérêt. The deadline to apply is Monday, May 4th, 2020. You will receive a notification once a decision has been made on your paper. We look forward to sharing the results with you soon. Nous reconnaissons également que la profession d'économiste au Canada, que nous représentons, souffre d'une sous-représentation des voix minoritaires et marginalisées de notre société. Cordialement, CWEC Sylvia Ostry Service Award Service Award, Mike McCracken Award for Economic Statistics, Undergraduate Poster Sessions Award (Bank of Canada - CEA), Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de politiques, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS | REVUE CANADIENNE D'ECONOMIQUE, CANADIAN PUBLIC POLICY | ANALYSE DE POLITIQUES, Small Differences II: Public Policies in Canada and the United States. Invited Speaker, Canadian Econometrics Study Group: “Nonlinear Dynamic Panel Data Models with Unobserved Effects,” Montréal, Quebec, September 2008. CALL FOR PAPERS Nouveau programme 20 The Bank of Canada’s Business Outlook Survey reported this month that hiring and investment intentions in New Appointments 8 We join with the growing group of people who are both deeply saddened by the deaths of people from minority communities in police custody and energized to be a part of positive change. Bien que l'ACÉ reconnaisse qu’il s’agisse d’un mouvement privilégié contre le racisme envers les Noirs et les personnes de couleur dans notre communauté, nous considérons également que les questions liées au traitement de la communauté autochtone au Canada sont d'une importance capitale. We recognize that racism is systemic in Canadian society and know from our own research that discrimination continues to be an ingrained part of the economy.   We will then hold an election for the Board positions per the Bylaws. Paul Rilstone - York University . Consultez la page de conseils de soumission pour obtenir de l’aide quant à la sélection d’une piste. Members serve for 4 year terms, and in addition to attending Board meetings (typically in person in June and virtually up to 3 times per year) serve on a committee of the Board. Nous espérons que ce nouveau groupe incitera les membres de ces communautés à se joindre à la conversation. This year we will be electing 4 new members of the Board, one of whom will be recommended as Deputy Vice President (and subsequently Vice President and President) of the Association. La participation au conseil est un excellent moyen de faire connaissance et de travailler avec des collègues de partout au pays et de rendre un précieux service à la profession d'économiste au Canada. In our view, this soft patch will be ... Canadian businesses. Dear CEA member, See the US News rankings for Economics and Business among the top universities in Canada. Nos nouveaux statuts stipulent que le comité des candidatures doit solliciter des propositions avant de recommander une liste de candidats au conseil. Harry Johnson Prize 6 Nous nous engageons à la fois à nous éduquer davantage sur les questions liées au racisme et à apporter des changements positifs et antiracistes dans la profession d’économiste. To access your prior submission: Undergraduate students from across the country are invited to submit their research for the CEA - Bank of Canada  Undergraduate Research Poster Competition. December 23, 2020. As social scientists, we believe that a critical first step is to gather data. Economics Rankings. The 54th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association was to be held, For further information, please contact CEA conference coordinator, Paula Emery, at, The Main Conference Program was to take place at the, Present your leading research, participate in State of the Art Lectures, network with colleagues. The CEA invites anyone wishing to present a paper at the 2021 Conference to submit an abstract by Friday February 12, 2021. Volume 53, Issue 4 - Special Issue on Immigration in OECD Countries - is now available. Nominations récentes 8 John Vanderkamp Prize 7 The Canadian Economics Association is a federal not-for-profit corporation. Si vous avez des questions sur le processus ou sur les devoirs des membres du conseil, veuillez contacter la professeure Ana Ferrer, secrétaire de l'Association (aferrer@uwaterloo.ca) ou Sonya Marion, notre cadre dirigeant (cea.execdir@gmail.com). All of us were looking forward to a great set of talks and discussions of important issues. Veuillez envoyer les questions ou la correspondance à Paula Emery, adjointe à l’organisatrice de la conférence, à l’adresse cea.conference@gmail.com. Allowing those who have already registered to obtain a reimbursement. As a community of academic scholars, CEA would like to get your input into what we can do to ensure that we are part of the solution to this problem. Regional Briefing - Africa & Middle East - December 2020. A summary of the latest available data and current issues across a number of key economic, market and industry variables in Africa & Middle East. Outre le résumé, nous vous invitons à présenter une communication intégrale accessible par lien électronique vers un fichier PDF. The Canadian researchers and others have since shown that NK-92 cells are good at killing different kinds of cancerous cells, and can bring about dramatic results in …   Le prix Doug Purvis 7 31st Meeting of the Canadian Econometric Study Group / Program Program - updated Oct. 1st [printable version] Friday, October 3 rd, 2014. Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, and business professionals. Professor Nicole Fortin of the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia was to be the program chair, while Professors Gillian Hamilton and Elizabeth Dhuey both of the University of Toronto were responsible for local arrangements. En tant que spécialistes des sciences sociales, nous pensons qu'une première étape cruciale consiste à recueillir des données. Thank you to everyone who attended the first ever virtual Purvis Lecture Luncheon delivered by Professor Anne Case (Princeton). This desire helped coalesce interested researchers around a new study group: the “Economics of Indigenous People.” Its debut at the annual meetings was curtailed by the COVID-19 induced cancellation of the annual Meetings. Généralement, les réunions ont lieu en personne au mois de juin et virtuellement jusqu’à trois fois par ans. Vous pouvez vous inscrire à l’avance sur le site Web de l’ACE à partir du février 2021. The Department of Economics will be hosting the 30th annual meeting of the Canadian Econometric Study Group (CESG) that will take place October 18-20, 2013. John Rae Prize 7 We hope that in the coming months, you and your families remain in good health and we can all reconnect in Vancouver 2021. The Association has for its object the advancement of economic knowledge through the, The CEA publishes the foremost economics journal in Canada, the. Local Committe. Due to the rapidly changing capital budgets of Canadian oil producers, the resource production associated with that investment, and the current market and economic uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, the 2020 CAPP Crude Oil Forecast has been deferred. Awards & Other News 12 Départs 11 - prize committee's comment. The journal Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de politiques (CPP/Adp) is affiliated with the CEA. En effet, les actes individuels d'injustice raciale sont probablement soutenus et rendus possibles par les structures hiérarchiques qui imprègnent nos institutions universitaires. L'information est un outil puissant pour comprendre l'étendue de ce qui doit être confronté pour apporter des changements efficaces. For this kind of effort to work well, it is ideal if it comes from the community with the formation and rollout being organized by BIPOC economists. Nous mettrons à l’étude les propositions de candidatures reçues avant le 1er novembre. 18:00 to 20:00 Welcome Reception and Registration . Vous ne pouvez présenter qu’une seule communication à la conférence. Nous voulons participer pleinement à la recherche d'une véritable réconciliation avec cette communauté. The 54th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association was to be held Friday May 22nd to Sunday May 24th, 2020 at the prestigious University of Toronto. Economics Associations and Societies Alberta Agricultural Economics Association - AAEA; Association Canadienne d'Économie des Ressources Naturelles et de l'Environnement (ACERE) (Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association (CREEA)) Association des économistes québécois - ASDEQ (Association of Quebec Economists) ; Atlantic Canada Economics Association - ACEA CWEC Sylvia Ostry Service Award Service Award, Mike McCracken Award for Economic Statistics, Undergraduate Poster Sessions Award (Bank of Canada - CEA), UNDERGRADUATE POSTER SESSIONS: VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS. In the fall of 2019 and early 2020, the Canadian Women Economists Committee (CWEC) of the CEA administered the workplace climate survey of the economics profession in Canada using the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago. Please direct all inquiries and correspondence to the assistant of the conference organizer, Paula Emery, at cea.conference@gmail.com. Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association Hosted by the Economics Department at the University of Toronto. The prize for Best Paper was awarded to Jaycee Tolentino (University of British Columbia) for his paper “The Politics of Disaster Relief.”, The prize for Best Presentation was awarded to Kyra Carmichael (University of Ottawa) for her paper “Sticky or Flexible? Any additional submissions will be discarded. State of the Art Lectures include Susan Athey (Stanford GSB), Chris Blattman (Chicago Harris), Nick Bloom (Stanford), Loren Brandt (University of Toronto), Olivier Deschenes (UC Santa Barbara), Silvia Goncalves (McGill University), and Adriana Lleras-Muney (UCLA). Nina Pavcnik (Dartmouth College), présentera la conférence commémorative Doug Purvis 2021, et Lance Lochner (Université Western) présentera la conférence Harold Innis 2021. Nécrologie 17 CEA Fellows 2 The 55th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association will be held online due to the ongoing public health situation in Canada and abroad. Cette introspection ne se limite pas aux incidents manifestes de discrimination mais cherche à comprendre ses sources et ses conséquences étant donné l’effet corrosif qu'elle a sur la profession et à y remédier par des solutions concrètes. "The issue of the Journal of Labor Economics edited by David Card and Philip Oreopoulos is a gift to Canadian public policy research. Cependant, pour que ce type d'effort fonctionne bien, il serait idéal qu’il provienne de la communauté et que son déploiement soit organisé par des économistes autochtones, noirs ou de couleur. Je vous écris au nom du comité des candidatures du conseil d'administration de l'ACE afin de solliciter des propositions de candidature au conseil. Nous nous joignons à d'autres pour demander des données sur les arrestations, les procédures judiciaires et les décès afin d'inclure des informations plus précises sur la race. Nous sollicitons les opinions de nos membres quant aux mesures que nous pouvons prendre en tant qu'institution pour résoudre les problèmes de racisme. The last two weeks, following George Floyd’s death, have seen an awakening of indignation over how Blacks, Indigenous, and People of Color are treated in our society. Distinctions et autre nouvelles 12 Please see the following statement from the CEA Executive. Rolling into future programmes some of the addresses planned for 2020. Son début à la conférence annuelle a malheureusement été reporté à l’année prochaine suite à l'annulation de la conférence causée par la COVID-19. 2021 North American Summer Meeting (VIRTUAL) Jun 10-13, 2021 Montreal, Canada. While the CEA recognizes that this is a moment of focus on racism toward the Black and People of Color in our community, we also see issues related to the treatment of the indigenous community in Canada as of central importance. With around 2000 members across the country and from abroad, the Canadian Economics Association (CEA) is the organization of academic economists in Canada. The theme is “Causal Inference in Economics", with invited speakers Donald Rubin (Harvard University) and Azeem Shaikh (University of Chicago). High-quality original research papers, in either French or English, focusing on any area of Economics will be considered. Alan P. Ker, Ryan Cardwell, Introduction to the special issue on COVID‐19 and the Canadian agriculture and food sectors: Thoughts from the pandemic onset, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 10.1111/cjag.12245, 68, 2, (139-142), (2020). As you can see, the broad economic recovery begins in 2021. IDEAS: Economics research. For complete details, please visit the Event Website. Public profiles for Economics researchers. You may submit no more than one paper to the Conference. (La version française suit) We will consider proposals for nomination received before November 1. University of Guelph welcomes leading econometricians to 32nd Meeting of the Canadian Econometric Study Group Posted on Friday, October 2nd, 2015 Top econometricians from Canada and abroad gathered recently at the University of Guelph for the 32nd Meeting of the Canadian Econometric Study Group …   A forward-looking analysis of Canadian, U.S. and international financial market trends. Our new bylaws stipulate that the nominating committee solicit proposals for nominations prior to recommending a slate of candidates to the Board. Professeur(e)s invité(e)s 11 Le prix pour le service distingué 6 En tant que communauté d'universitaires, l'ACÉ aimerait recueillir votre avis sur ce que nous pouvons faire pour apporter des solutions concrètes. In the fall of 2019 and early 2020, the Canadian Women Economists Committee (CWEC) of the CEA administered the workplace climate survey of the economics profession in Canada using the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago. Si vous proposez une autre personne, veuillez vous assurer que cette personne accepte de siéger au conseil d’administration de l’ACÉ. We gratefully acknowledge the financial contributions from our sponsors. This was just one-tenth that of its primary trading partner, the United States ($21.37 trillion) and slightly less than its other NAFTA partner, Mexico ($2.6 trillion). NEP: New Economics papers. We join with others in calling for data on arrests, legal proceedings, and deaths to include information on race. PORTAIL DE SOUMISSION DES RÉSUMÉS The current context has prompted us to revise down our growth outlook for Q4 2020 and Q1 2021. See the Session Organizers link on the conference web-site for further information. In a matter of weeks during the spring, COVID-19 rolled back the clock on three decades of advances in women’s labour-force participation, setting Canada’s economy up for a slower recovery than might otherwise be the case. Saturday, October 4 th, 2014. Departures 11 Proposals can be submitted via the following form:   The study was conducted by Oxford Economics and commissioned by the Working Group. Please see the Submission Tips Page for assistance with selecting the most appropriate Track for your paper. June, 2021 All presenters must register for the Conference. Canada - Canada - Economy: The early settlement and growth of Canada depended on exploiting and exporting the country’s vast natural resources. Sincères salutations, Each presenter is required to provide the session chair and discussant with an electronic copy of the paper at least two weeks prior to the conference. It is the 9th largest GDP by nominal and 15th largest GDP by PPP in the world. The survey is now closed; thank you to everyone who participated. Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, and business professionals. We also acknowledge that the economics profession in Canada, which we represent, suffers from an under-representation of the voices of minorities and the vulnerable in our society. The PDF file of the newsletter downloads via the link below. Volume 46, Issue 4 of the Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de politiques is now available. General economics blogs tend to cover both micro and macroeconomic disciplines, as well as provide an overview of many different subfields Registration can be done online through the CEA Web site using the Advance Registration link commencing February, 2021. Their log in address used in portal must be the same as your CEA account see, the 's. Additional sessions with the theme are especially welcome dont vous êtes coauteur, mais communications. Doit pas dépasser 250 mots forecasts of the journal of Labor Economics edited David... Personne au mois de juin et virtuellement jusqu ’ à trois fois par ans pas dépasser 250.. Done online through the CEA Board of Directors for the Board at its December meeting informally called Medicare du. Politiques is now available extent of what needs to be part of finding a of! 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