Working with families and communities is necessary to focus on improving access to and use of quality health programs that include prevention initiatives. Although global health and its predecessor international health have been around for centuries, improvements in travel and the rise of communicable diseases have made an integrated global approach to health necessary (Hargarten, Martin, Hauswald & Hirshon, 2013). Nurses who are educated about risk factors and clinical manifestations of HT, and who can provide efficient and compassionate assistance to patients, have the potential to play an important role to address this problem (Alpert et al., 2014). Journal Publications Ellis, JA, Carlson, NS (2020). Some research has indicated a link between certification and nurse knowledge, techniques, and judgement that may affect patient safety (Niebuhr & Biel, 2007). People impacted by social and structural inequities are at higher risk for poorer health outcomes, inadequate access to health services, and early or premature death (WHO: Geneva, 2006). Cindy McCain Centers for Disease Prevention and Control. The cost to educate a nurse in a 4-year baccalaureate program in the United States can range from $40,000 to $200,000 (Starck, 2005). The benefits of internationally-based experiences include gaining global perspectives, becoming more culturally sensitive, and developing in-depth knowledge of how another country's health care systems function. Center for Global Health Nursing. Healthy-Work-Environment/ANA-APIC, Each of these situations requires current knowledge of global health issues for the nurse to provide culturally tailored and safe care. Silver Spring, MD: Author. Global health refers to a health issue that is not contained geographically and that single countries cannot address alone. A review of the literature of global health issues uncovered numerous concerns, from global warming and terrorism to emerging infectious diseases. Nursing care provided during the birth process is critical but nurses also have an impact in the antenatal setting. Assignment: Nursing Migration and Global Health. The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of Global Health is Columbia University’s premier undergraduate-run, open access public health publication and media organization dedicated to publishing high quality, peer-reviewed original student research relevant to the broader global health community. Infectious Diseases The real value of having a well-informed, culturally knowledgeable, and welcoming nursing workforce is that our patients are advantaged through culturally tailored nursing care that results when nurses extend themselves to embrace the other. Patient advocacy: The role of the nurse. In contrast, Sub-Saharan Africa, has about 11 percent of the world population, bears over 24 percent of the global disease burden, has only 3 percent of the global health workforce, and spends less than 1 percent of the world financial resources on health (Chen, 2010). In wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Year of the Nurse and Midwife will be extended into 2021. In addition to identifying HT victims, healthcare providers need to be able to ask the right questions and offer assistance. A. Cindy McCain Being a global leader requires an understanding of the wider context; it means having a view greater than the local perspective and realizing connections and relationships that exist globally. Email: Nurses have a duty and responsibility to seek necessary competency to support current practice and to positively impact new challenges such as HT. This article has been amended to include factual corrections. Cole Edmonson is the Chief Nursing Officer of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow Alum and a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and American College of Healthcare Executives. People-centered care that recognizes the legitimate right to and expectations for equitable, high-quality, safe and respectful care should be a global health priority at the heart of the movement to improve maternal and newborn care (Hoope-Bender et al., 2014). To read the erratum, click here. In the next section, we will consider in depth three GHIs: emerging infectious diseases, human trafficking, and maternal-newborn health. UBCMJ, 6(2), 28-30. Nurse leaders at all levels are called upon to think and act differently in today’s ever changing healthcare environment. Such efforts lay groundwork for those in the health sector to increasingly participate in anti-trafficking policymaking at local and national levels to ensure that the public health perspective is incorporated into future anti-trafficking initiatives (Konstantopoulos et al., 2013). Guest Editorial Free. Grace, A. M., Lippert, S., Collins, K., Pineda, N., Tolani, A., Walker, R., ... Horwitz, S. M. (2014). Findings from the data analysis pointed to lack of public awareness regarding nurses’ critical roles and the gap in system preparedness for such global health events. This is not a new phenomenon; most professionals seek urban-based, middle-class professional work and personal lives. This poses an urgent and unique opportunity for nurses to identify, support, and refer victims to appropriate agencies. At that time, the CDC addressed concerns such the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus; resurgence of diseases (e.g. Center for Global Health Nursing. This global health issue, although not new, has recently garnered increased concern. Global health issues do not exist in a vacuum; they are problems of high complexity that must be fully and comprehensively considered. (2016) Humanitarian action mission. Retrieved from doi:10.1053/j.semperi.2010.09.002, Bingham, D., Strauss, N., & Coeytaux, F. (2011). Guidance for healthcare providers has emerged in the literature, as well as calls for development of new education and training programs for nurses. Purpose: To describe issues, challenges and potential strategies in achieving nursing's global preferred future, focused on promoting healthy communities worldwide. Retrieved from ANA/APIC Resource Center – information regarding healthcare associated infections, personal protective equipment, emerging diseases, and hand hygiene. These issues require complex interprofessional and interagency cooperation and solutions that involve governments, non-profits, and many times include private companies and foundations. Of great concern in GHIs is the maldistribution of the healthcare work force in terms of geography, disease, infrastructure and resources. Ideally, nurses should strive to assure that everyone who needs care can access the services they need. Maternal and newborn health issues are a global health priority. Global Journal of Nursing & Forensic Studies encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Focuses on health care issues relevant to all aspects of community practice -- schools, homes, visiting nursing services, clinics, hospices, education, and public health administration. The maldistribution impacts all GHIs, including the three areas of focus in this article. Address correspondence to Mary E. Riner, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN, Professor and Associate Dean for Global Affairs, School of Nursing, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN 46202; e-mail: (2014). (2004) Human resources for health: Overcoming the crisis. Sylvia Trent-Adams, PhD, RN, FAAN Case Studies in Global Health Policy. June Marshall, DNP, RN, NEA-BC. Citation: Edmonson, C., McCarthy, C., Trent-Adams, S., McCain, C., Marshall, J., (January 31, 2017) "Emerging Global Health Issues: A Nurse’s Role" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. In conclusion, it is hoped that, through this initiative between Nursing Research and other journals, the hidden face of nursing research in global health will be appreciated more widely. The Journal of Global Health also provides a forum for the vibrant discussion of topical global health … In addition, many U.S. nursing schools and health care systems have institutional mission statements that support global health awareness and engagement. What makes this issue more pressing and a worldwide focus is that these are preventable deaths. Public awareness of the value of nurse certification is increasing. Many defined roles and responsibilities for public health nurses also apply to nurses in other specialties and settings. Maternal mortality in the United States: A human rights failure [Editorial]. Eye health and vision have widespread and profound implications for many aspects of life, health, sustainable development, and the economy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (2010). The public health nurse roles and responsibilities to eliminate health inequalities and achieve equity are delineated in a Position Paper (Association of Public Health Nurses, 2015) that focuses on the importance of awareness of self and others; trust as a foundation of every human relationship; and humility in acknowledging what is not known about diverse cultures and populations. It publishes peer-reviewed research papers from disciplines within and beyond the Health Sciences. Poverty, inequality, and social determinants of health not only contribute to global health issues but can also adversely impact morbidity, mortality, and health outcomes (Quinn & Kumar, 2014). (2015). Devereaux (2015) conducted an evolutionary concept analysis on pandemic influenza that highlighted the need for efficient responses and further investigation into implications for the nursing profession. There is a clear need to increase nurse awareness and education about GHIs, including, but not limited to emerging infectious diseases, human trafficking, and maternal-newborn health. Linkages Among Reproductive Health, Maternal Health and Perinatal Outcomes. Nurse leaders are also instrumental in facilitating change within the community and should seek such opportunities. The journal is a forum for community health professionals to share their experience and expertise with others in the field. We publish editorials, news, viewpoints, original research and review articles in two issues per year. To access the journal blog, … So you want to make a difference: Advocacy is the key (16th ed.). An official journal of the The Royal Society for Public Health and a sister journal of Public Health in Practice.. Public Health is an international, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. We define and describe emerging global health issues from a nursing perspective and offer a call to action for nurses to increase awareness as global leaders. Reducing travel-related communicable disease transmission. The growing business of human trafficking and the power of emergency nurses to stop it. Stay Informed. A., & Black, R. E. (2013). Global environmental change and health: Impacts, inequities and other health sector. One means to achieve this goal is to implement strategies concentrated on education, provision of care, and health system strengthening. Nursing Outlook, 55, 176-181. Sylvia Trent-Adams, PhD, RN, FAAN Global Health Nursing: Making Connections by Embracing the Other. An estimated 28-50% of these individuals access healthcare services while being trafficked (Golby, Tsuei, Zacharias, 2015). As recently as 2009, two reports estimated the global shortage to be more than four million health workers (Joint Learning Initiative, 2004; Salafsy, Glasser & Ha, 2005; WHO, 2006). Maternal mortality is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant, or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management (i.e., from direct or indirect obstetric death), but not from accidental or incidental causes (Morse, 2014). The Nursing Global Health Competencies Framework (NGHCF) was created to guide a research study aimed to reach consensus among experts on global health domains and competencies for baccalaureate nursing education in the United States (Torres-Alzate, 2018)., Bhutta, Z. 2017 Apr;96(4):765-766. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0918. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49(6), 598-605. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12343 Retrieved from, Neupane, D., & Kallestrup, P. (2015). The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. Cole Edmonson, DNP, RN, FACHE, NEA-BC, FAAN Emerging-Diseases, Association for Professionals in Infection Prevention and Epidemiology (APIC),,,, Maldistribution is a major challenge to improving access to care for underserved populations, as well as in addressing workforce shortages and clinical competencies. Global maternal, newborn and child health-so near and yet so far. In the next section, we will define and briefly describe the three emerging global health issues to provide context for the reader. In most areas across the world, urban-rural disparities exist. One goal associated with improving antenatal care is to emphasize the importance of other healthcare needs, such as tetanus immunization, family planning, and prevention and treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The goals of practice, education, and research in our discipline are to improve health for all who make up our global society and to embrace the idea that human health, illness, and emotions are universal phenomena. Despite lack of scientific data to support and fully appreciate the role of healthcare providers in identifying and assisting victims of HT, we can still learn lessons from the research available, and anecdotal reports from clinicians (Clayton, Krugman & Simon, 2013). Global health issues (GHIs) require global cooperation in response, planning, prevention, preparedness, and care that reflects health equity issues among nations. Allen, E. (2010). Cole Edmonson, DNP, RN, FACHE, NEA-BC, FAAN Being a global leader requires an understanding of the wider context; it means having a view greater than the local perspective and realizing connections and relationships that exist globally. Nursing is also a global profession: it exists in every society. Dr. Riner is Professor and Associate Dean for Global Affairs, School of Nursing, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana. ... purposes of health reform, a vision of how health and nursing services may be developed in their countries, the ability to plan strategically for and manage change, and the strength and confidence to be proactive in a challenging and often stressful change environment. Access to equal care and treatment, however, remains an elusive goal. Planetary health and the role of nursing: A call to action. In 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that the world will be short 12.9 million health-care workers by 2035; today, that figure stands at 7.2 million (World Health Organization, 2013). Our goal is to reach those who design, implement, manage, evaluate, and otherwise support health programs. Jiwon Kang, Jeongeun Song, Wonjung Noh, A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the effects of global health competency improvement programs on nurses and nursing students, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 10.1111/jan.14355, 76, 7, (1552-1566), (2020). Nurses in roles at micro-, macro-, or meso-system levels bring important expertise, and perspectives to healthcare teams to plan, implement, and evaluate response to emerging disease outbreaks and epidemics. BMJ Global Health is an open access, online journal dedicated to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed content relevant to those involved in global health, including policy makers, funders, researchers, clinicians and frontline healthcare workers.BMJ Global Health adheres to the highest possible industry standards concerning publication ethics.. To access the journal blog, click here. Retrieved from, Canadian Nursing Association (2009). To provide open access, the journal charges an Article Processing Charge for each article accepted and published. This concept is an essential belief of the nursing profession (ANA, 2015). Global Journal of Health Science is a peer reviewed, scholarly, open access journal that focuses on publishing original findings in the areas of health science and nursing for the healthy development of global communities. Nurses who are active in professional nursing organizations and/or other medical societies should advocate for the official recognition of HT as an important public health issue. An advocate is defined as one that pleads, defends, or supports a cause or interest of another (Tomajin, 2012). In a survey of 159 service providers across the United States, including nurses who work with victims and survivors of HT, the lack of adequate training was identified as a key barrier to providing services (Clawson, Small, & Myles, 2013). (2013). It is official recognition of achievement, expertise, and clinical judgment from the profession and requires continued learning and skill development to maintain (American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2010). The ANA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Association for Professionals in Infection Prevention and Epidemiology (APIC) all provide useful, evidence-based information, tools, and resources to guide nurses to plan, prevent, and manage emerging infectious diseases. The article defined the terms globalisation and global health, and discussed the ways in which increased globalisation is affecting healthcare, in particular nursing. A child recently arrived in the United States from a refugee camp in Thailand comes to the school nurse's office with a cough. Avian influenza: Risk, preparedness, and the roles of public health nurses in Hong Kong. Many victims do not self-identify as trafficking victims, but when asked the right questions, clearly fit the definition. Nurses have a potentially important, but currently largely unrealized role, in HT victim identification and rescue... Nurses have a potentially important, but currently largely unrealized role, in HT victim identification and rescue (Grace et al., 2014) thus appropriate skills and knowledge are imperative. For individuals living in rural areas, it is often difficult to access healthcare services due to transportation, terrain, distance to providers, and inadequate infrastructure (Salafsy et al., 2005). Journal of Community Health Nursing. Global Mental Health (GMH) is a fully Open Access journal that publishes papers that have a broad application of ‘the global point of view’ of mental health issues. A list of these resources, and others, is included in the Table. Global Qualitative Nursing Research (GQNR). Cindy McCarthy is the Chief Nursing Officer at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Stephenville. A global citizen is aware of the wider world; respects and values diversity; and is outraged by social injustice at any level (Oulton, 2014). The Benefits of Nursing Certification. List of issues Volume 37 2020 Volume 36 2019 Volume 35 2018 Volume 34 2017 Volume 33 2016 Volume 32 2015 Volume 31 2014 Volume 30 2013 Volume 29 2012 Volume 28 2011 Volume 27 2010 Volume 26 2009 Volume 25 2008 An interprofessional approach to GHIs provides a more united front and an increased chance of success. Nurses and HT advocacy. Authors Kimberly Baltzell 1 2 , Monica McLemore 2 , Mona Shattell 3 , Sally Rankin 1 2 Affiliations 1 Center for Global Health… (2014). Annals of Academic Medicine Singapore 2005, 34, 520-5. Global Health Executive Board: Towards a common definition of Global Health. Global Journal of Nursing & Forensic Studies encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. The journal aims to: publish academic content and commentaries of practical importance; provide an international and interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination and exchange of health promotion, health education and public health theory, research findings, practice and reviews; publish articles which ensure wide geographical coverage and are of general interest to an international … They support making connections by offering study abroad programs or service trips. Cindy McCarthy, DNP, MBA, MHA, RN, NEA-BC, CEN Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(1), 91-97. Striking the right balance: Health workforce retention in remote and rural areas. They include new infections resulting from changes to or evolution of existing organisms; known infections spreading to new geographic areas or populations; previously unrecognized infections appearing in areas undergoing ecologic transformation; and old infections reemerging as a result of antimicrobial resistance in known agents or breakdowns in public health measures (Morse, 1995). The largest numbers and highest rates of maternal, neonatal and child deaths are in the country of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia (Bhutta, 2013). Journal of Nursing Management, Portland, Maine, USA. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. Devereaux also delineated how findings from this concept analysis can be used to influence policy, practice, research, and education. We aim to do this through innovative nursing science, across differing cultural contexts, both locally and abroad. Emerging Infectious Disease Resource for Nurses, Public understanding of the role of nurses during Ebola. Retrieved from, American Nurses Association (2015). This can help ensure, through advocacy or direct participation, that patients take preventive actions (Michael, Nyong, & Corvalan, 2008). The field of ‘global mental health’ is still emerging, reflecting a movement of advocacy and associated research driven by an agenda to remedy longstanding treatment gaps and disparities in care, access, and capacity. Findings from the [Ebola epidemic] data analysis pointed to lack of public awareness regarding nurses’ critical roles and the gap in system preparedness for such global health events. It is crucial that the next generation of nurses … This poses a major social justice issue. The United States and Canada, which comprise 14 percent of the world population, bear approximately 10 percent of the world disease burden, have 37 percent of the global health workforce and spend about 50 percent of the world financial resources for health. Couse, T., Ellis, J.A., DeChesnay, M., (2017). Sign up below. (2006). One can see how quickly a crisis or issue in one country can affect and spread to other countries through porous borders and technology venues. Global Health: Science and Practice, 2(3), 261-267. doi:10.9745/GHSP-D-13-00142, Devereaux, A. P-ISSN: 2096-3947. She stressed the importance of nurse involvement in pandemic preparedness, the critical need for sufficient staff resources and deploying skilled, competent nurses with capability to meet population care needs. Background: Global Health is an emerging field that refers to the health and well-being of the world's population. The topics of importance to global … There is growing concern that a broad range of social, economic, and environmental factors shape individuals’ opportunities and barriers to engage in healthy behaviors. Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretative Statements. In January 2012, the policy brief Leadership needed to address the Global Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Shortage was published in Nursing Outlook. In response to any emerging GHI, this bi-directional pathway is important to both heighten awareness and gain support at all levels. To poor quality healthcare prevention initiatives coauthor 4 ):765-766. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736 ( ). A list of issues and latest articles from journal of Nursing scholarship, 48 ( 1,! To address issues of HT through training programs for nurses conflicts of interest financial. Ht ) is a serious international public health, Medicine, law, bioethics, and hand hygiene and options! Needs related to nurses in clinical practice is dynamic and evolving ; much more is asked nurses. Both heighten awareness and gain support at all levels are called upon to think and differently. 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global health nursing journal
global health nursing journal 2021