English 1193: Individual Studies This course is designed to strengthen skills in interpretive reading and writing. and two exams. Experience This class will use Hamilton’s life—as immigrant, as soldier, as revolutionary, as architect of American finance, as husband—as a lens to view the story of the early United States. In addition to some critical and historical essays on the early modern theater and culture, we will likely read some combination of the following plays: Richard III, Henry V, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Measure for Measure, Othello, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra, Macbeth, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest. Instructors: Jared Gardner and Staff Instructor: Alan Farmer looks like we’re getting basho every day this semester ladies. We first will work to acquire the analytical tools needed to scientifically analyze any language, and apply these to the structure of English. Experience No previous experience in linguistics or programming is required, though some background in the study of language will be helpful. Discussion and practice of the conventions, practices and expectations of scholarly reading of literature and expository writing on issues relating to diversity within the U.S. experience. Instructor: Christiane Staff Instructor: Sarah Neville Taught with an emphasis on literary texts. Introduction to the interrelated fields of Writing, Rhetoric and Literacy, familiarizing students with key concepts that underlie work in these interrelated fields and to the scholarly methods of WRL. Additionally, you will interview two professionals in your field of interest. Intensive practice in fundamentals of expository writing illustrated in the student's own writing and essays of professional writers; offered in a small class setting and linked with an individual tutoring component in its concurrent course, ENGLISH-1193. An introduction to the writing of fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction. Their composition and visual details work together to sell a story to audiences. *Advanced undergraduate students are encouraged to enroll in 5000-level courses. Did you know that your Fitbit was a published author? Instructor: Staff We will focus on how directors and actors have chosen to adapt Shakespeare for performance, but also consider how these films have shaped, and continue to shape, the cultural meaning of "Shakespeare: for modern audiences. Instructors: Hannibal Hamlin and Staff In addition to developing writing and critical thinking abilities, the course will provide understanding of the continuing importance and power of works from this period among its readers and beyond. ENGLISH-4522: Renaissance Poetry—Milton’s Paradise Lost and the Fall in Renaissance Literature Examination of the elements of fiction—plot, character, setting, narrative, perspective, theme, etc.—and their various interrelations. This course examines the history of the American cinema in the years immediately following the Second World War, focusing on the ways in which Hollywood movies reflected, responded to, and inflected the major social issues of the period. 96 talking about this. A program of reading arranged for each student with individual conferences, reports and an honors thesis. Likely texts: English 4540: Nineteenth-Century British Poetry Instructors: Margaret Cipriano and Babette Cieskowski In order to better enable us to consider the ways that staged properties, blocking, special effects and audience engagement are crucial parts of Shakespeare's stagecraft, this section of 4520.01 is especially interested in the practical means by which Shakespeare's plays resonate with both historical and contemporary audiences. Instructor: Karen Winstead We will spend time designing a project and deciding on a cultural site for students' listening and observing. GE: Diversity (Global Studies), English 2202H: Selected Works of British Literature: 1800 to Present Novels and short stories will be from diverse global contexts, and students will be encouraged as part of our course discussions and assignments to address texts according to their interests. A very tentative and partial author list includes Herman Melville, Robert Louis Stevenson, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Kate Chopin, Raymond Carver, Octavia Butler, Justin Torres, Carmen Machado and Trevor Noah. 74% in state students: 26% out of state students. Students learn basic characteristics of English linguistics focusing on the basic building blocks of language; the sounds of English and how they are put together, word formation processes and rules for combining words into utterances/sentences. Experience English 4150: Cultures of Professional Writing Instructor: Susan Williams This course introduces students to legend, superstition and folk belief, genres that include reports of alien abductions, sightings of Slender Man, the sharing of fake news and that haunted house near where you grew up. English 2367.08: The U.S. English 3361: Narrative and Medicine Instructors: Kirsten Edwards Why study his plays? English 4569: Digital Media and English Studies. You will hone your editing skills by practicing AP style, reviewing common usage mistakes and how to avoid them, giving and receiving feedback in peer review, practicing repurposing content and drafting for different audiences and revising for clean, professional copy in every deliverable. Instructor: Gavin Johnson English 4560: Special Topics in Poetry — Alternative Rock Lyrics as Poems Instructor: Gavin Johnson Fri. classes will be conducted online in the form of a short (250-500 word) written exercise applying what we have learned that week. So that's what we'll be doing in this course: writing one story, then revising, revising, revising, making precisely one story as close to perfect as we can get it. Instructor: Susan Williams An introduction to the fundamentals of technique, craft, composition and prosody; practice in the writing of poetry; and analysis and discussion of student work as well as published poems by established poets. This course will consider a range of series, from Fleabag to Insecure to Russian Doll, that have cracked open the ancient conventions of the sitcom, and of comic design more broadly, to think across the spectrum of narrative invention and representational inclusion. Over the course of the semester, we will explore "Byromania" as it emerges in Byron's major works, shorter lyrics, and "metaphysical dramas." Such “canonical” works (those texts deemed to be part of the “great” tradition) have always treated the theme of diversity. Study of literatures written in English and produced outside of the U.S. and Britain; topics include colonial/postcolonial writing, regional literature, theoretical and historical approaches, genres. What is the effect of putting a child or dog onstage? An introduction to humanities-based methods of analyzing and interpreting video games in terms of form, genre, style and theory. OSU Off-Campus Housing Listing | Hometeam Properties Management Properties for rent near Ohio State Main Campus in Columbus, OH Aided by readings in sociology, philosophy and medical ethics, we will ask what death is, why and how we die, how we grieve, why we treat the dead as we do and why we imagine the dead returning to the living. GE: Literature, ENGLISH-2260: Introduction to Poetry The first European Revolution exploded in England in the seventeenth century. How are science fiction novels (and films) constructed? Study of principles and practices of technical writing. *This is a combined section class. This session will cover the basics of searching for jobs in a number of different industries. Practice in the fundamentals of expository writing, as illustrated in the student's own writing and in the essays of professional writers. We will learn about the basic characteristics of language: the sounds of English and how they're put together, word formation processes, and rules for combining words into utterances/sentences. This on-line course investigates the ways that disability is composed in contemporary life. Instructor: Amy Shuman Instructor: Jared Gardner Recurring central issues will include the dynamics of tradition, the nature of creativity and artistic expression, and the construction of group identities. A desperate plea for patronage. Guiding questions: How do I speak and write with confidence in a collegiate academic setting? The class will be a forum for the discussion of a variety of issues and will be most rewarding for both students and instructor if you are actively engaged and committed to lively classroom interaction. It will be organized roughly chronologically, in four units: 1) Folk Dylan, 1961-64; 2) Electric Dylan, 1965-66; 3) After the Crash, 1967-78; 4) Born Again and the Endless Tour, 1979-2016. English 4552: Special Topics in American Poetry Through 1915 — Reconstruction and the Gilded Age in America English 3398 (10): Methods for the Study of Literature What about aliens? Beginning in the last decade of the twentieth century, electronic networks and global Hollywood have helped to further absorb, disperse and reassemble exploitation films for hybrid transnational circulation. GE: Literature How can we account for the popular success of “chick lit” or its African American parallel, “sista girl” fiction? Special topics focus on particular aspects of the genre; advanced techniques are explored. Instructor: Staff It also introduces students to significant developments in film history and ways of approaching film interpretation. Eliot's long poem "The Waste Land," which address the hunger for wholeness and repair in postwar European society, shell shock, the practice of psychiatry, new gender roles and feminism, colonization and empire, the Armenian massacre, the influenza pandemic of 1918 and the growing secularization of high culture. An introduction to the fundamentals of technique, craft and composition; practice in the writing of fiction; and analysis and discussion of student work as well as published stories by masters of the genre. (This internship does not fulfill the digital media requirement for the Writing, Rhetoric and Literacy concentration in the English Major. Instructor: Pranav Jani English 2280H: The English Bible —The Bible as Literature Analyze writing discourse that shapes professional organizations. In this beginner-level workshop, students will explore the craft of writing fiction by discussing the work of published authors, providing feedback on the work of classmates, and composing and refining their own short stories. English 4591.01H: Honors Special Topics in Creative Writing Instructor: Staff We will study mostly documentary film and sound, but we'll also explore a variety of creative nonfiction forms. Folklore theory and methods explored through engagement with primary sources: folktale, legend, jokes, folksong, festival, belief, art. When we try to do so, are we really just imagining versions of the present? Folk Experience Angels in America; Oedipus the King; A Raisin in the Sun; The Cherry Orchard; Snow in Midsummer; Trifles; The America Play; Waiting for Godot; Everyman; The Good Woman of Setzuan. How do I read actively? Instructor: Macey Phillips each); and one longer term paper (5-7 pp.). Because English 2367.02 is a writing course—and necessarily also a reading course—students can expect to build on the skills they learned in their first-year writing course to improve composition, analysis, logical construction of arguments, use of evidence, and cohesion. Instructor: Staff Set down on a darkling plain, Romantic and Victorian poets raged against the dying of the light. You will learn techniques of these various methods and apply them to a series of activities throughout the semester. This course is discussion-based and aims to engage students' areas of interest and expertise to the formal study of writing, literacy and writing centers. I’ll provide you with a lot of feedback on your prose and give you several opportunities to refine your style, organization and collaborative writing strategies. English 3398 (70): Methods for the Study of Literature Ethnic Literatures In this course, we will read nineteenth-century British works by such authors as Mary Shelley, Emily Bronte and Alfred Tennyson that address these questions along alongside examples of utopian and dystopian texts that more explicitly outline some characteristically Victorian ways of imagining freedom, social reform, and the difficulties inherent in industrial capitalism. *This is a combined lecture class. What (if anything) does poetry have to do with politics? English 4578: Special Topics in Film — Film and American Society After World War II His plays have been adapted into countless other plays, novels, poems, music, paintings, films, TV shows and comics, and not only in English but in German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi and Yoruba. Cross-listed in AfAmASt. Potential texts: Readings will include a 2000-year-old murder trial; some medieval animal trials; Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice; the Amistad trial; Wilkie Collins's novel The Law and the Lady; Reginald Rose's Twelve Angry Men; and a collection of famous trials available online. English 4565: Advanced Fiction Writing All key genres of literature will be considered (fiction, drama and poetry). English 1193: Individual Studies Study of principles and practices of technical writing. By any standard, his life was ridiculously eventful: he published his first book of poetry at age seventeen but subsequently recalled and burned every copy. Required of English majors. Most of us associate the fairy tale with magic and fantasy. The course emphasizes the skills required to make the transition from a "reader" to a "critic" of literary texts: close reading; an introduction to literary theory and methods of criticism; library research; methods of writing papers with a clear argument, effectively selected evidence and virtually no errors of grammar, punctuation, usage and style—the requirements for excellence in upper division courses. www.infodimanche.com est le plus important site immobilier pour consulter toutes les propriétés dans la grande région du KRTB. English 3150: Career Preparation for Humanities Majors Likely viewing will include Some Like It Hot, The Silence of the Lambs, The Palm Beach Story, Kick-Ass, Rope, Moonrise Kingdom, Singin' in the Rain, Dazed and Confused, Star Wars, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, High Society, something quite recent and internationally successful, and a documentary (The Story of Film), along with a wide range of clips. The first is to familiarize (or re-familiarize) you with some of the basic literary concepts (character, point of view, tone, symbolism, etc.) Texts: Norton Anthology of Drama, Shorter 3rd Ed. GE: Writing and Communication — Level 1. on. Instructors: Angus Fletcher Guiding Questions: We'll think about the nature of drama and dramatic genres, but the plays themselves address love, gender and sexuality; political power and legitimacy; family dysfunctions and inherited guilt; crime and punishment; and the problems and possibilities of human happiness. In addition, over the course of the term students will learn the types, tools and methods of literary criticism that English scholars employ as they construct projects in both print and digital media. Not open to students with more than 6 cr hrs of CSTW 4191. We will examine how these two genres--fantasy and children's lit--grew up together, and will explore the varying influences on these writers, from myth and folklore to Christianity and Taoism and Existentialism to feminism and critical race theory. Instructor: Margaret Brown Instructor: Sean O’Sullivan Wisconsinites, like Foamation',s ",Father of Fromage", Ralph Bruno, tend to have a healthy sense of humor about themselves. Grading and Evaluation: Punctual and regular attendance; 2 oral presentations; 3 analytical papers Stories told in installments have been wildly popular since the nineteenth century—and they play a huge role in our current digital moment. For students who have experience with the basic elements of writing creative nonfiction. Instructor: Martha Sims ENGLISH-3305: Technical Writing A very tentative list for the short stories and novels includes works by Herman Melville, Robert Louis Stevenson, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Kate Chopin, Raymond Carver, Octavia Butler, Jhumpa Lahiri, Alison Bechdel, Justin Torres and Carmen Machado. Our readings will span literary history, as well as diverse cultural and social perspectives. Components of your grade: daily attendance for class; preparation of daily homework questions; short daily quizzes about the homework; high-participation activities in class; and three exams conducted on Carmen, of which the two highest grades will count. Energy extraction, large scale agriculture, atomic testing, urban growth, deforestation and mass consumption among other factors have altered the cryosphere, the biosphere, and the atmosphere. 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