Across Member States, employees’ average gross hourly earnings in 2014, expressed in purchasing power standards (PPS), varied from 34 % to 137 % of the EU-27 average. Year 2018; Year 2017; Year 2016; Year 2015; Year 2014; Contact Us; Home About Us Publications Education Statistics. in Germany (the smallest gender gap in absolute value), -5.5 p.p. U.S. Department of . The ESD is divided … Gender statistics constitute an area that cuts across traditional fields of statistics to identify, produce and disseminate data reflecting the realities of the lives of women and men, and policy issues relating to gender equality (Developing Gender Statistics: A Practical Tool, UNECE, 2010). The EU employment rate for men of working age was 78.3 % in 2018, exceeding that of women (66.5 %) by 11.8 percentage points. Related Charts. The GPG and ERG show a negative relationship. Type of data. Type of statistic. For more information on data sources and availability, see the metadata files linked to the multidimensional tables or in other relevant articles. Content Contact . In this work programme, the Commission has reaffirmed its commitment to continue its work to promote equality between men and women. At EU level, the gender pay gap, the gender employment gap and the gender hour's gap contributed 37.6 %, 27.7 % and 34.8 %, respectively, to the gender overall earnings gap. A focal point for data produced by Statistics Canada’s Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics, this hub aims to address gaps in the availability of data by sex, gender and intersecting characteristics such as (but not limited to) age, geography, Indigenous status (First Nations, Métis and Inuit), disability and ethno-cultural characteristics. Table of Contents. In 2018, the gender gap in life expectancy at birth was -5.5 in the EU-27, meaning that life expectancy at birth was 5.5 years higher for women than for men. in Malta, -6.4 … The EU and its Member States are supported by the European Institute for Gender Equality in their efforts to promote gender equality and to raise awareness about gender equality issues. Interactive chart. In March 2010, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Beijing conference, the European Commission adopted the Women’s Charter. This indicator belongs to the set of headline indicators used to monitor the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. ), Hungary (15.3 p.p. For the economy as a whole, in 2018, women's gross hourly earnings were on average 14.1 % below those of men in the European Union (EU-27) and 15.0% in the euro area (EA-19). Continued Jobless Claims - … The article includes links to other articles and publications that provide a more detailed analysis of gender gaps. For the rest of this section on earnings, which uses data from the last 4-yearly collection of the Structure of Earnings Survey of 2014, the comparison with other different variables is made with 2014 data. Every additional year of primary school increases girls' eventual wages by 10-20 percent. For the population as a whole, the proportion of persons aged 30-34 that had attained tertiary education in 2018 ranged from 24.6 % in Romania to 57.6 % in Lithuania. Percentage of young people not in education, in employment and Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs), by sex and age group. Of these, 3,714 are nurseries or early-learning centres, 20,832 are primary schools, 19 are middle schools and 4,188 are secondary schools. South African Market Insights. (See Table 1.12) From the ‘tertiary education attainment’ indicator, a gender gap can be derived. in 2018, meaning that the proportion of men of working age in employment exceeded that of women by 11.8 p.p. 4 years or below), life expectancy at birth for the total population was generally higher than the EU-27 average — namely 81.0 years in Denmark, 81.9 in the Netherlands, 82.3 in Ireland, 82.9 in Cyprus and 82.6 in Sweden. ... 6 August 2018 National Statistics Permanent and fixed-period exclusions in England: 2015 to 2016 . The indicators show gender gaps, together with levels achieved for the population as a whole, at EU level and across Member States (e.g. Among the countries with the lowest gender gap in absolute terms (i.e. For a better view of gender issues concerning earnings, it is also useful to look at the mean annual earnings by economic activity and the gender pay gap by economic activity and age (see articles in Statistics Explained in the category Wages, earnings and income). ), the proportion of persons aged 30-34 with tertiary education in Romania (24.6 %), Malta (34.7 %) and Germany (34.9 %) was below the EU-27 average, whereas it was higher in the Netherlands (49.4 %). The Education Statistics Digest (ESD) provides basic statistical information on education in Singapore. Share of female teachers. Education Statistics Primary tabs. It is defined as the proportion of men aged 30-34 that have attained tertiary education minus that of women. Among the countries with the largest gender employment gaps, above 15 p.p., the employment rate in Greece (59.5 %), Italy (63.0 %) and Romania (69.9 %) was below the EU average, whereas it was higher in Hungary (74.4 %), Malta (75.5 %) and Czechia (79.9 %). Doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student: Selected years, 1976–77 through 2017–18; 2019, Digest of Education Statistics 2018, Table 320.10. Yearly. Education Statistics. Among the countries with the smallest gender pay gap (below 10 %), earnings varied from 36 % of the EU-27 average in Romania to 131 % in Luxembourg. The World Bank EdStats All Indicator Query holds over 4,000 internationally comparable indicators that describe education access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures. Publication frequency. Sources: Statistics Canada, 2016 Census of Population, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. There are 2,408 independent schools, 1,257 special schools and 352 pupil referral units (PRUs). in Latvia and -24.7 p.p. EDU/WKP(2018)20 Unclassified English - Or. Find Out In 2018, this gender gap was -10.7 percentage points (p.p.) The Tag of War between Women and Men . Among the countries with the smallest gender gap in absolute value (below 7 p.p. reducing the gender pay, earnings and pension gaps and thus fighting poverty among women. Besides the gender pay gap and the gender hours gap, it is also useful to consider gender gaps in employment, as these also contribute to the difference in average earnings of women versus men[2]. Eurostat produces and disseminates a number of datasets that show how men and women compare in areas such as education, labour market, earnings, social inclusion and health in the EU. in Romania and -7.0 p.p. ‘Gender overall earnings gap’, is calculated as follows: where GOEG means Gender overall earnings gap, Em — Mean hourly earnings of men, Hm — Mean monthly hours paid to men, ERm — Employment rate of men (aged 15-64), Ew — Mean hourly earnings of women, Hw — Mean monthly hours paid to women and ERw — Employment rate of women (aged 15-64). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. In October 2014, across the EU, women were paid on average 12 % fewer hours than men per month (see Figure 4). [1]. Purpose of data source. This measures the impact of the three combined factors, namely: (1) the average hourly earnings, (2) the monthly average of the number of hours paid (before any adjustment for part-time work) and (3) the employment rate, on the average earnings of all women of working age — whether employed or not employed — compared to men. Across the EU, women earn less per hour than men do overall. How many schools are there in the UK? Among the countries with the largest gender gap in absolute terms (8 p.p. This article presents gender statistics for the European Union (EU), a selection of indicators from fields such as education, labour market, earnings and health, which are particularly important for measuring differences in the situation of women and men (i.e. This section shows statistics of the number of women on Executive Boards and decision-making positions at the IOC, in NOCs and in IFs. The employment rate is considered to be a key social indicator for analytical purposes when studying developments in labour markets. Unemployment Rate by Education. ), Latvia and Sweden (both 4.2 p.p.). In 2014, the gender pay gap ranged from 4.5 % in Romania, 5.4 % in Luxembourg, 6.1 % in Italy, 6.6 % in Belgium, 7.0 % in Slovenia, 7.7 % in Poland and 8.7 % in Croatia, to 22.2 % in Austria, 22.3 % in Germany, 22.5 % in Czechia and 28.1% in Estonia . Cristobal de Brey (202) 245-8419. The most relevant and most frequently used datasets are listed in the ‘Equality’ domain. This means maintaining the focus of gender-equality policy on the five existing thematic priority areas: The Commission's work programme includes a comprehensive list of indicators measuring gender equality (e.g. The EU-level targets have been translated into national targets in each EU country, reflecting different situations and circumstances. Younger people were most likely to work in jobs without leave entitlements, with around one third of both women and men aged 15-34 in this type of work (36% of women and 33% of men). At the other end of the scale, Bulgaria, Latvia and Romania recorded a gender hours gap that was 1 %. The gender employment gap varies significantly across Member States. Level of educational attainment by age. Data. early leavers from education and training. The IOC EB has seen an increase in female members from 21.4 per cent in 2017 to 30.8 per cent in 2018. Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates) Education. English 25 October 2018 DIRECTORATE FOR EDUCATION AND SKILLS The evolution of gender gaps in numeracy and literacy between childhood and adulthood OECD Education Working Paper No. in the EU-27, meaning that the proportion of women aged 30-34 that had attained tertiary education exceeded that for men by 10.7 p.p. 25.4% of girls 16-18 would consider a career in engineering compared to 51.9% of boys (22) 22.2% of students starting A Level Physics in 2018 were female. Jun 5, 2017 May 29, 2017 by Brandon Gaille. in Malta, -6.4 p.p. Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, female (% of relevant age group) Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, male (% of relevant age group) Labor force, female (% of total labor force) Labor force, total. For a better view of gender issues in the field of education, it is useful to take other indicators into account: upper secondary education attainment, lower secondary education, tertiary education graduates (women per 100 men), early leavers from education and training, as well as life-long-learning (see articles in Statistics Explained in the category Education and training.). (22) In all STEM A-Levels except Chemistry more girls get A*-C grades than boys – including Further Maths, Maths, ICT and Design and Technology. who graduated from universities or other higher education institutions). This is defined as the number of years that men can expect to live (at birth) minus the number of years that women can expect to live. One of the prominent indicators in education statistics is the proportion of persons who have attained tertiary education (i.e. In 2018, 27% of female employees aged 15 years and over did not have paid leave entitlements, compared with 23% of male employees. National Statistics. To give a complete picture of the gender earnings gap, a new synthetic indicator has been developed. Among EU Member States with the smallest gender employment gaps (below 5 p.p. 184 By Francesca Borgonovi (OECD), Álvaro Choi (University of Barcelona) and Marco Paccagnella (OECD). Gender overall earnings gap ), and Malta (21.9 p.p.). … It also developed the Gender Equality Index, which provides a synthetic measure of gender equality in EU Member States. Higher Education Institution : 1: Distribution of Higher Education Institutions by Institution Type: AY 2017-18: 2: Distribution of Higher Education Institutions by Region: AY 2017-18: A2. The gender gap analysed here is defined as the difference between the employment rates of men and women of working age (20-64). One EU-level headline target is to raise the employment rate for women and men (aged 20–64) to 75% by 2020. In particular, one EU-level headline target is to increase the share of the population aged 30–34 having completed tertiary education to at least 40% by 2020. Education. Interactive chart. Higher Education Data: Higher Education Indicators: A1. In 2018, that gap ranged from -0.9 p.p. ), Greece (21.0 p.p. (see Figure 2). Life expectancy at birth was higher for women than for men in all Member States, with the negative gender gap ranging from -3.1 years in the Netherlands, -3.4 years in Sweden, -3.6 years in Ireland, -3.8 in Denmark and -3.9 years in Cyprus, to -8.7 years in Estonia, -9.6 years in Latvia and -9.8 years in Lithuania(see Figure 6). In 2018, the lowest gap was reported in Lithuania (2.3 p.p. In 2018, there were about 713 million male inhabitants and 682 million female inhabitants living in China, amounting to nearly 1.4 billion people in total. Educational Statistics at A Glance 3 Table-1: Indian Population: Census 2001 and 2011 (In Crore) Year >> 2001 2011 Total 102.87 121.06 Male 53.22 62.31 Female 49.65 58.75 Data Source: Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India Table-2: Estimated Population of India by Age Group of Educational Attainment - 2015 Jobs Lost From Coronavirus. combating gender-based violence and protecting and supporting victims. Figures 3 and 4 show that 42% of full-time academic staff were female. Read more about Population with at least secondary education, female/male ratio (Ratio of female to male rates) Mean years of schooling (males aged 25 years and above) (years) Education . (see Figure 1). These areas are as follows: women and poverty, education and training of women, women and health, violence against women, women and armed conflict, women and the economy, women in power and decision-making, institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women, human rights of women, women and the media, women and the environment and the girl-child. This approach shows gender gaps in access to resources and opportunities in the broader context of the actual resources and opportunities available. 2018 data on the gender pay gap are available in the following article Gender pay gap statistics. promoting gender equality and women’s rights across the world. in Austria to -20.7 p.p in Lithuania, -24.6 p.p. Four world conferences on women convened by the United Nations, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019, Living conditions in Europe - poverty and social exclusion, The life of women and men in Europe - A statistical portrait, A decomposition of the unadjusted gender pay gap using Structure of Earnings Survey data, Developing Gender Statistics: A Practical Tool, UNECE, 2010, European Commission - DG Justice and Consumers- Gender equality, European Commission - Europe 2020 - Key areas: comparing Member States' performances, The current as of December 2020 is 6.70. Full article. The Institute supports EU Presidencies in developing the Beijing indicators. 新浪微博. employment rate, gender pay gap, at-risk-of-poverty and social inclusion rate). It supports the implementation of the gender equality dimension in the Europe 2020 strategy and its headline targets. A. This is shown by the ‘gender hours gap’ which represents the difference between average monthly hours paid to men and women expressed as a percentage of average hours paid to men. Following the 1995 conference in Beijing, the European Council requested an annual review of how EU Member States were implementing the Beijing Platform for Action. This page was last modified on 22 December 2020, at 15:09. Unemployment Rate by Race. There are currently 32,770 schools in the UK. This translates into a lower (unadjusted) gender pay gap as the latter compares the average hourly earnings of all working men against all working women without correcting for the fact that working women tend to have a specific profile. 7,345 — The number of male early-childhood educators and assistants in Canada in 2016. Comparing the percentage of males versus females in the workplace as of January 2018, 66 percent of the workforce was male, while 54.6 percent was female. Tweet; Share ; Share + Digg. Read more. Four world conferences on women convened by the United Nations between 1975 and 1995 have been crucial in putting the cause of gender equality at the very centre of the global agenda. Department for Education. For a better view of the gender issues in the field of employment, it is useful to analyse the following indicators: employment rate by highest level of education attained, employment by economic activity, self-employment, part-time employment, temporary employees, as well as unemployment and long-term unemployment (see articles in Statistics Explained in the category Labour market.). Sex differences in education are a type of sex discrimination in the education system affecting both men and women during and after their educational experiences. 193,915 — The number of female early-childhood educators and assistants in Canada in 2016. There are 130,930 K-12 schools in the U.S., according to 2017-18 data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). in the Netherlands, -6.7 p.p. In 2018, that gap ranged from -0.9 p.p. 2020, Digest of Education Statistics 2019, Table 324.20. U6 Unemployment Rate. It also encourages them to marry later and have fewer children, and leaves them less vulnerable to violence. Differences in earnings between female and male workers, by educational attainment and age group Across Member States, the gender pay gap varied by 20.4 percentage points, ranging from 1.4 % in Luxembourg to 21.8 % in Estonia. Men are more likely to be literate on a global average, although higher literacy scores for women are prevalent in many countries. Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups 2018 (NCES 2019-038). The number of hours paid to men is broadly similar across EU countries, whereas part-time arrangements for women differ substantially. gender gaps). There has been a tag of war between men and women, as some people want to prove that they are superior to the others. or higher), life expectancy for the total population was 75.1 in Latvia, 76.0 years in Lithuania, 77.7 in Poland and 78.5 in Estonia, much lower than the EU-27 average of 81.0 years in 2018. Participation in formal and/or non-formal education, 25-64 years old, by gender : Data. The Institute offers information about how GED Diploma opportunities work and are additionally tracking male and female in post-secondary education by study direction, especially in technology, science, mathematics, and engineering. As regards the population as a whole, life expectancy at birth varied between 75.0 and 83.5 years across Member States. Statistics from May 2010 onwards are available on GOV.UK. It includes statistical information on schools, enrolment, teachers, educational outcomes, employment outcomes and finances. In 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing adopted the Declaration and Platform for Action. There are currently four women on the IOC Executive Board out of fifteen Members. This page has been accessed 115,685 times. This interactive chart compares the historical unemployment rate for men vs women back to 1948. Gender Inequality in Sports. Publisher. All Member States recorded a negative gender gap in tertiary education attainment. Home » Employees and HR » 19 Great Men vs. Women Statistics and Differences. In 2014, the gender overall earnings gap was 38.1 % in the EU-27 (see Table 1). Besides the gender pay gap, based on hourly earnings, the difference between the average annual earnings of women versus men is also influenced by the higher proportion of part-time employees among women. Among academic staff there were more males than females (116,640 and 100,365 respectively). 2018 Higher Education Facts and Figures. ), Romania (18.3 p.p. 人人网. the gender employment gap with the employment rate). The gender pay gap varies significantly across Member States. In 2018, life expectancy at birth in the EU was 5.5 years higher for women than for men. All Member States recorded a negative gender gap in tertiary education attainment. It is called ‘unadjusted’ as it does not take into account all of the factors that influence the gender pay gap, such as differences in education, labour market experience or type of job. ), followed by Finland (3.7 p.p. In Scotland there is a substantial section of provision that is not included in UCAS' figures. Data . For the Netherlands, the gender hours gap stands out, at 28 %, meaning that female employees are paid on average 28 % fewer hours per month than men. The gap is exacerbated in low-income families. Try the new automatic translation by clicking on the blue icon “Translate” up in the right corner of the article! In 2014, over the EU-27 as a whole, women’s gross hourly earnings were, on average, 15.7 % below those of men (see Figure 3). National Unemployment Rate. in Germany (the smallest gender gap in absolute value), -5.5 p.p. Black Unemployment Rate. ), the proportion of persons with tertiary education was 42.7 % in Slovenia and Latvia, and 57.6 % in Lithuania, above the EU-27 average of 39.4 % in 2018. For the population as a whole, the employment rate for persons aged 20-64 in 2018 ranged from 59.5 % to 82.4 %. Successive EU Council Presidencies have developed a set of indicators — called the Beijing indicators — covering most of the critical areas of the Beijing Platform for Action. One possible explanation is the following: in countries where the employment rate for women is particularly low, women who still choose to work may decide so due to their higher job profile and earnings expectations. Life expectancy at birth is one of the most frequently used indicators to measure the health status of a population. Across Member States, the gender overall earnings gap varied significantly, from 19.2 % in Lithuania, to 47.5 % in the Netherlands (see Figure 5). Home Blog ... only three-quarters of male students who attended Grade 10 in 2016 progressed to Grade 11, while the same was true for close to 87% of female learners. Here’s how they break down: Here’s how they break down: All: 130,930 headline indicators used to monitor the Europe 2020 strategy. Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) from The World Bank: Data Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Gender statistics are indispensable for identifying inequalities between women and men, and needed for the purposes of gender policy development and implementation at global, European and national levels. Unemployment Rate - College Graduates. However, the starting salary for male and female undergraduates in the field of Engineering was on par - $62,600 and $62,300 respectively (see Table 5.15 for more detail). smoking (see articles in Statistics Explained in the category Health). Across the EU-27, the gender employment gap was 11.8 p.p. (see Figure 1). For a better view of gender issues concerning health, it is also useful to look at life expectancy by highest level of education attained, causes of death and hospital discharges by diagnosis, as well as healthy life years expectancy and lifestyle characteristics, e.g. Even when they both have a Bachelor Degree, the starting salary for female undergraduates in the field of Architecture and Building in 2016 was less than that of male undergraduates - $50,000 compared with $59,000. This is due to the lower participation of women in the labour markets in these countries. From the ‘life expectancy’ indicator, the gender gap in life expectancy at birth can be derived. Likely to be a Key social indicator for analytical purposes when studying developments in markets! 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