A form of the rod system is used in the Russian oil-fields, but owing to the large diameter of the wells the appliances differ from those employed elsewhere. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " The size of the building is huge. A diameter is the longest chord of a circle. This consists of a mirror about half an inch in diameter, which, when it is suspended as shown in fig. The nurse measured the circumference of the newborn babies’ head. The front or cover of the case is a similar button of hard polished carbon D, also slightly smaller in diameter than the cylindrical wall of the box. All the comforts of home, except behind the rich brocade fabric walls stood twenty-four inches of rebar reinforced concrete and the door consisted of eight-inch diameter solid steel bars. Input your word, you get not only its meaning and example, but also some sentences' contexts in classic literature. It is surrounded at the base by the persistent calyxlobes, which increase in size as the fruit ripens. diameter in a sentence. in diameter, and with the shoots or young branches more or less angular; the glossy deltoid leaves are sharply pointed, somewhat cordate at the base, and with flattened petioles; the fertile catkins ripen about the middle of June, when their opening capsules discharge the cottony seeds which have given the tree its common western name; in New England it is sometimes called the "river poplar.". Hold a cup with a larger diameter. In optics, it is that portion of the diameter of an object-glass or mirror through which light can pass free from obstruction. - a_= = The globe is of pasteboard covered with whiting and parchment, and has a diameter of 507 mm. The fruit-stalk is very short, bearing a subglobose fruit an inch or rather more in diameter, of an orange-yellow colour, and with a sweetish astringent pulp. 1000 diameters=1000 times original size. We're simply in an age of directness and making our point more quickly." in diameter, passing from the bull-wheel shaft over a grooved wheel known as the crown-pulley, at the summit of the derrick. Ellis used this indication to have an organ pipe made which with one-sixteenth diameter and a wind-pressure of 34 in., at one-fourth Schlick's length, gave f' 301.6, from which he derived a just major third of a' 377, which would compare very well with an old Greek a'. In his experiments upon this subject Fraunhofer employed plates of glass dusted over with lycopodium, or studded with small metallic disks of uniform size; and he found that the diameters of the rings were proportional to the length of the waves and inversely as the diameter of the disks. He found that in all cases the velocity decreased with a diameter. in diameter, the silk being wrapped thinly and evenly all round the circumference of the drum. The seeds of the different cultivated varieties, of which there are a great number, differ much in size and in external markings; but average seeds are of an oval laterally compressed form, with their longest diameter about four lines. Examples of diameter in a Sentence The dotted line indicates the diameter of the circle. 26. The brass screen is round and measures 4 inches in diameter. RELATED ( 20 ) with a calibre. 95. Diameter sentence examples. This error diminishes as the diameter of the stem is reduced, but is sensible in the case of the thinnest stem which can be employed, and is the chief source of error in the employment of Nicholson's hydrometer, which otherwise would be an instrument of extreme delicacy and precision. Look it up now! The geographical ideas which prevailed at the time Columbus started in search of Cathay may be most readily gathered from two contemporary globes, the one known as the Laon globe because it was picked up in 1860 at a curiosity shop in that town, the other produced at Nuremberg in 1492 by Martin Behaim.1 The Laon globe is of copper gilt, and has a diameter of 170 mm. The tubbing, which is considerably less in diameter than the borehole, is suspended by rods from the surface until a bed suitable for a foundation is reached, upon which a sliding length of tube, known as the moss box, bearing a shoulder, which is filled with dried moss, is placed. slabs or two small walls; the semicircular space thus formed has a diameter of about 45 ft., and was probably intended for sacrifices. 19 examples: The probe employed was circular with an outside diameter of 0.016 in. in diameter, standing on the south side of the court. In the majority of ferns, at a higher level, after the stele has increased greatly in diameter, a large-celled true pith or medulla, resembling the cortex in its characters, and quite distinct from conjunctive, from which it is separated by an internal endodernlis, appears in the centre. Their boilers are of relatively large proportions for the train weight and average speed, and the driving wheels of small diameter, a large proportion of their total weight being " adhesive.". in diameter, and is covered with a cone-surmounted dome 190 ft. 115. What size are these shoes? Use a cup with a larger diameter. The trouble with most palm-size computers is their awkwardness. He published in 1507 a huge map of the world, in 12 sheets, together with a small globe of a diameter of I 10 mm., the segments for which were printed from wood-blocks. After a certain discount for friction and the recoil of the gun, the net work realized by the powder-gas as the shot advances AM is represented by the area Acpm, and this is equated to the kinetic energy e of the shot, in foot-tons, (I) e d2 I + p, a in which the factor 4(k 2 /d 2)tan 2 S represents the fraction due to the rotation of the shot, of diameter d and axial radius of gyration k, and S represents the angle of the rifling; this factor may be ignored in the subsequent calculations as small, less than I %. in diameter, and the smallest 2 in., are wrapped in asbestos, felt and other non-conducting materials, and are placed in wooden tubes laid under ground like water and gas pipes. The Heiner screw box and its original tap are for threads of two-inch nominal diameter with two and a half threads per inch. in diameter with a ring in halves surrounding it 5 in. Fraunhofer; the latter ultimately attained considerable success and produced telescope disks up to 28 centimetres (II in.) To put that into perspective, the period (.) ?agu?am dv??a??istath? Another word for diameter. In the hydropolyp the body is typically elongated, the height of the column being far greater than the diameter. in diameter, and had a double row of piles, bound by horizontal stretchers with square mortise-holes, enclosing an area 60 ft. in diameter, within which was a circular construction 3 2 ft. in diameter, which had been supported by a large central post and about twenty uprights ranged round the circumference. But the volume of the cell is not appreciably altered, despite the change of its shape, for its one diameter increases in proportion as its other is diminished. The diameter of the cane or tube is regulated by the weight of glass carried, and by the distance covered by the two workmen. An example of a diameter is the length of a line sliced down the center of a pie. The tube is much smaller than the diameter of a human hair. The differences of the readings of the screw, when converted into arc, afford the means of measuring the variations of the sun's apparent diameter. Theoretically for a given outside diameter of core the greatest speed of signalling through a cable is obtained when the diameter of the conductor is 606 (1/,/e) the diameter of the core, but this ratio makes the thickness of the guttapercha covering insufficient for mechanical strength. size. The diameter of Cat 6 ranges from. 29. Definition Of Diameter. The diameter of that badonkadonk is approximently 5.3 feet. (Diameters) In microscopy, an indication of the amount of magnification. Examples of Circumference in a sentence. This is a life-sized statue. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought.It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax.For example:"Ali is walking". Some species build their nests in trees - great globular masses sometimes three feet in diameter, supported on the larger branches, and connected with the ground by covered passages on the outside of the tree. These bubbles are from an eightieth to an eighth of an inch in diameter, very clear and beautiful, and you see your face reflected in them through the ice. The nurse measured the circumference of the newborn babies’ head. in diameter, and by a dome over each of the arms. in diameter, while for a current of 100 H.P. 2. A silk " throwster " receives his silk in skein form, the thread of which consists of a number of silk fibres wound together to make a certain diameter or size, the separate fibre having actually been spun by the worm, and this fibre may measure anything from Soo to woo yds. It is a two level style round burial mound, m diameter (lower level), m (higher). in length by any mirrors which can be practically constructed would be like attempting optical experiments with mirrors one-hundred-thousandth of an inch in diameter. Sentence examples for with a diameter from inspiring English sources. Here, in order to fulfil the purposes of the previous models, the distance of the centres of the lenses from each other should only slightly exceed the tangent of sun's diameter X focal length of lenses. You may see from a boat, in calm weather, near the sandy eastern shore, where the water is eight or ten feet deep, and also in some other parts of the pond, some circular heaps half a dozen feet in diameter by a foot in height, consisting of small stones less than a hen's egg in size, where all around is bare sand. 17. About three inches in diameter, too. Its diameter is 160 mm., its date about 1530. in diameter was set up by Dr Roger Long at Cambridge; the terrestrial globe which Count Ch. Learn DIAMETER from example sentences, some of them are from classic books. A horizon of brass of the diameter of his umbrella shuts down around his senses. length of roller, where d is the diameter of the roller in inches. It's difficult to see diameter in a sentence. : The madreporite was not visible until the juveniles were about 10 mm diameter and all the arms were of similar size. ", "Great" circles may also be defined as circles on a sphere which pass through the extremities of a diameter; they are familiar as the meridians or lines of longitude of geographers; lines of latitude are "small circles.". in diameter, and not so large as white pepper; their contracted stalk-like bases are between a and 2 in. in diameter, is bolted to the upper end of the polar axis just below the fork. A map essentially identical with that of Hereford, but larger - its diameter is 156 cm. The trunk attains a height of from 80 to 140 ft., with a diameter of from 3 to 5 ft. in diameter; one at Glenarbuck, near the Clyde, grew above 140 ft. The generality of treatment is indeed remarkable; he gives as the fundamental property of all the conics the equivalent of the Cartesian equation referred to oblique axes (consisting of a diameter and the tangent at its extremity) obtained by cutting an oblique circular cone in any manner, and the axes appear only as a particular case after he has shown that the property of the conic can be expressed in the same form with reference to any new diameter and the tangent at its extremity. Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases [Mentions] Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Same consonants The distance between the block and the plate is adjusted so as to be slightly less than the diameter of the blank, and the result is that the edge of the blank is thickened and its diameter reduced before it escapes from the machine. The shape which the molten metal under treatment has in the Kjellin furnace, a thin ring of large diameter, is evidently bad, inconvenient for manipulation and with excessive heat-radiating surface. Example sentences for: size How can you use “size” in a sentence? This consists in the use of an expanding reamer by means of which Drilling in the well may be drilled to a diameter admitting of the Galicia. Its motion of 8.7" per year would carry it over a portion of the sky equal to the diameter of the full moon in about two centuries. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. That object was believed to be about six miles in diameter. in diameter, charged to a negative potential of at least 2000 volts, is supported between insulators in the open, usually at a height of about 2 metres. The ectoderm loses entirely the ciliation which it had in the planula and actinula stages and commonly secretes on its external surface a protective or supporting investment, the perisarc. or more in diameter, and are evidently portions of a large root. Dean was amazed at the size of the crowd. The Earth's diameter is 7926.28 miles at the equator. diameter. in diameter, is formed by the Snow telescope on the collimator slit (d). The pond has a diameter of Of these one is circular, with a diameter of 60 ft. or more in diameter, and large hairy oblong lanceolate leaves often 18 in. in diameter, the next 6 in., the next 3 in. The nest is an inch and more in diameter, with a small aperture for an entrance. in diameter) of sand and other minerals derived from the decomposition of rocks, with a small amount of silicate of alumina. CK 1 20131 What's your shoe size?CK 1 55925 This size doesn't fit me. with a cleaning. The plan is derived from the Church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople, now covered by the mosque of Mahommed II., and bears a strong resemblance to the plan of St Front at Perigueux in France (I 120). The most important example of its successful application has been the theory of capillary action elaborated by P. S. We can obtain a pertinent illustration from the motion of a vortex ring in a fluid; if the circular core of the ring is thin compared with its diameter, and the vorticity is not very great, it is the vortical state of motion that travels across the fluid without transporting the latter bodily with it except to a slight extent very close to the core. A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. 4- The final distinguishing factor between lots is size. Bore definition is - to pierce with a turning or twisting movement of a tool. We got him from a size 15 to a 17 {, Martin said with pride, recalling the size of his catch. 2234183 What's your size?CK 1 297318 He is about my size.CK 1 2646806 Try this on for size.CK 1 54165 Do you know your size?Eldad 1 64373 What size do you wear? Learning English Faster Through Complete Sentences with “size-up” Sentences are everywhere. high; its diameter at the base is 42 ft., decreasing to 15 ft. in diameter, and is clear and sweet, with a temperature of 73 ° F. If the thickness of the glass is small compared with the diameter of the tube, say one-tenth, equation (1) may be applied with sufficient approximation, the area A being taken as the mean between the internal and external surfaces. The coils of the electromagnets are differentially wound with silk-covered wire, 4 mils (= 004 inch) in diameter, to a total resistance of 400 ohms. compared… Sieve-tubes with accompanying corn- diameter of the stem, the cortex sd.p~cierizedperid~sm. with a stream. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. The scale values of the records given by the horizontal and vertical force magnetographs are determined by deflecting the respective needles, either by means of a magnet placed at a known distance or by passing an electric current through circular coils of large diameter surrounding the instruments. The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate. in diameter, running at 135 revolutions a minute under a head of 130 ft. in diameter, and has a speed of fifty revolutions per minute, and the power generated is transmitted through bevel-gearing to a horizontal shaft from which the power is taken FIG. in diameter; each was composed of seven strands, containing 520 parallel wires, or 3640 wires in each cable. It's a mid-size car. It took me about two and a half hours to dig a hole one meter in diameter and two meters in depth. below the surface, with an external diameter of 10 ft. It is the work of Richard of Haldingham, and has a diameter of 134 cm. Near rhymes Synonyms / Related [Mentions] Definitions Significant mentions of circumference-to-diameter ratio: A human hair can be 75 to 100 microns in diameter. It was about the size of mine. Size sentence examples. conveniently made of diameter which will give the cylindrical portion sufficient capacity to hold the juice expressed from the cane-mill in one hour. in diameter, with south-southwest aspect. Translates to: Add four to 100, multiply by eight, and then add 62,000. The crannog of Cloonfinlough in Connaught had a triple stockade of oak piles, connected by horizontal stretchers and enclosing an area 130 ft., in diameter, laid with trunks of oak trees. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: In designing a randomized trial of cancer screening one should adjust the sample size for anticipated non-attendance and contamination.. in diameter, the body carrying one barrel, while another is slung beneath the axle. A brass ball D two inches in diameter is fixed on the end of the axis that carries the plate B, and is loaded within at one side, so as to act as a counterpoise to the revolving plate B. These noble trees attain very often a height of more than 300 ft., frequently of 350 and even more, and a butt diameter of more than 15 to 20 ft., with clean, straight fluted trunks rising 200 ft. Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases [Mentions] Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Same consonants Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. This investigation is subject to the limitation that the diameter of the cross-section must be small compared with the wave-length. in diameter, below which is a weight B connected with the ball by a short conical stem C. The stem D is rectangular in section and about 32 in. All exact relations pertaining to the mensuration of the circle involve the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. with a thickness. The branch to East Boston (1900-1904) passes beneath the harbour bed; it is the first double-track tunnel in the United States, and the first all-cement tunnel (diameter, 23.6 ft.) in the world. in diameter, is expected to yield annually 20 gallons of milk, each gallon giving about 2 lb of rubber. diameter by Alvan Clark & Son of Cambridge, U.S.A., and with a mounting, dome and rising floor by Warner & Swasey of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. blay_paul diameters definition: Noun 1. plural form of diameter ... (1773), p. 190) also gives results of measurements by Gascoigne of the diameters of the moon, Jupiter, Mars and Venus with his micrometer. Nine feet in diameter at the base, it tapers to eight feet at the top. with a walk. in diameter; it has two or three niches, and a conical roof formed by the gradual inclination of the walls to the centre. CK 628085 Draw two concentric circles of differing diameters. A diameter is double the radius of a circle. The nests are round and four or five inches in diameter with an entrance hole at one side. in diameter, while the stem consisted of a wire io in. Its chief crest forms an elongated ring and encloses a crater over half a mile in diameter and with walls 350 ft. Nearly 25 metres higher up still is the lantern, with a gallery 5 metres in diameter. in diameter, to a total resistance of zoo ohms. What size are these shoes? CK 1 30401 Do you have a larger size?CK 1 30436 Do you have a smaller size?CK 1 56096 Do you have this in my size?CK 1 18112 What size shoes do you wear? Proposition 30 describes the construction of a curve of double curvature called by Pappus the helix on a sphere; it is described by a point moving uniformly along the arc of a great circle, which itself turns about its diameter uniformly, the point describing a quadrant and the great circle a complete revolution in the same time. 1. It is seen that the action is intermittent, liquid only being discharged during a down stroke, but since the driving force is that which is supplied to the piston rod, the lift is only con ditioned by the power available and by the strength of the pump. in diameter, and distinguished by the presence of spines along the ribs of the shell. Alex Walsh: Organoids are small pieces of a patients' tumor that are about 100 to 300 microns in diameter and they grow as kind of sphere like shapes. Today, the average length of a sentence in a political speech is less than 20 words. In this system the soft ground or fissured water-bearing rock is rendered temporarily solid by freezing the contained water within a surface a few feet larger in diameter than the size of the finished shaft, so that the ground may be broken either by hand tools or blasting in the same manner as hard rock. He gives no diameter or wind-pressure. ?m ayutadvayavi?kambhasy?sanno v?ttapari??ha?. It had a diameter of 4 in., and a length of 4 ft. The reader will gather a good general idea of the design from fig. The diameter list of example sentences with diameter. in diameter, and vary in thickness from a to $ in. In a long sentence, you can use commas to separate out extra information and make the sentence easier … Use ‘size’ in a sentence | ‘size’ example sentences . Violle and Vautier made some later experiments on the propagation of musical sounds in a tunnel 3 metres in diameter (Ann. The diameter of the cylinders is such that each alone is capable of starting the load. It took me about two and a half hours to dig a hole one meter in diameter and two meters in depth. at the end of this sentence is 1,000,000 nanometers wide. Source: 'Daily Use' . with a drilling. thick, built of layers of flat stones without cement or mortar, and an interior diameter of 40 ft. in diameter at the base and decreasing in diameter as it ascends; it is built of rough blocks of stone, as a rule about 2 ft. in diameter, attached to a stretched fibre and having a M t ru e small magnetic needle fixed to its back, is arranged within a menu. or more in diameter,, growing in or near water or on low-lying land which is subject. The extremities of the diameter perpendicular to a small circle are called the "poles" of that circle, and the distance from the pole to the circle, measured by the arc of the great circle through the pole, is the "polar distance" of the small circle. in inside diameter, seemed small for its length of 172 ft. In the rubber ring joint an india-rubber ring is used; slightly less in diameter than the pipe. The resistance R can thus be divided into two factors, one of which is d 2, where d denotes the diameter of the shot in inches, and the other factor is denoted by p, where p is the resistance in pounds at the same velocity to a similar I-in. CK 1 30401 Do you have a larger size?CK 1 30436 Do you have a smaller size?CK 1 56096 Do you have this in my size?CK 1 18112 What size shoes do you wear? The indirect process once established, the gradual increase in the height and diameter of the high furnace, which has lasted till our own days, naturally went on and developed the gigantic blast furnaces of the present time, still called " high furnaces " in French and German. In all these types the longer the telescope and the greater its diameter (or weight) the more massive must be the mounting and the greater the mechanical difficulties both in construction and management. in diameter, and as many in depth, was formed on the E. The diameter ox the outer crater, within which rises the modern cone to a height of 500 ft. activity, has itself a diameter of 3/4 m. In short, the little chisel becomes in his fingers a painters brush, and when it is remembered that, the basis upon which he works being simply a thread of silk, his hand must be trained to such delicacy of muscular effort as to be capable of arresting the edge of the knile at varying depths within the diameter of the tiny filament, the difficulty of the achievement will be understood.