Now, had we lived in those days, and had we known that He was God, would we not have counted it the greatest honour of our lives if we had been privileged to supply His needs—to give Him food, drink, clothing, shelter, when He suffered from the want of them? The salvation which Christ announced is not only redemption from sin. Yes! As for the amount of money dispersed in various forms of charity, it is hardly possible to say what that is throughout the world, but that, it must be very large is clear from the fact that, in Australia alone, it amounted to about £38,000 for the year immediately preceding the centenary. Hence, though they, too, may be rich in this world‟s goods, they are the poorest of the poor in the things that really count. The way of St. Vincent was the poor, spiritually and materially. One can always find beautiful thought in the contemplation of the scene related in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of St. John. Our Catholic people as a whole are certainly wonderful in their charity to these institutions and their inmates; moreover, they do much in private charity, and no appeal is ever made to them in vain. The Lord will preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. They may have plenty of this world‟s goods, so that envious fellow-men regard them as rich, but they are poor with the worst of poverty. St. Vincent once said a revealing phrase: Are the poor not the suffering members of Our Lord? I think we misunderstand the phrase. Returning, then, to our theme, the Catholic people as a whole are very remarkable in their support of the many charitable institutions that are in existence in our midst, under the guidance of the Church, and, though this paper has for its purpose to advocate the cause of the St. Vincent de Paul society, the writer himself, and certainly the members of that admirable society would be the very last to press the claims of the work sponsored by them, if that meant any subtraction from the assistance given to all the other forms of charity to which we have referred. No! If you are seeking help or need more information about a previously submitted request: Visit our Assistance and Services page to find the St. Vincent de Paul … As was said above, there are people poor today who never for a moment thought such circumstances should arise for them. Such a work as theirs cannot be carried on without a great deal of correspondence, and it may be necessary for the Central Council to employ typists, etc. His name was Pierre Triest. Nothing! For St. Christ is the poor Christ.. Christ’s compassion is not pity. It can with truth be said that there is scarcely a need of the poor and afflicted for which there is not provision made. This being so, why is this paper written? The question of both the just and the unjust in Matthew 25 should gives us pause: Lord, when did we see you with hunger, with thirst, without clothes or in jail, etc? He approaches as a brother in order to understand the person’s pain. This is because the presence of Christ is sacramental, not physical. Let us classify some of these from the Old Testament first:—, In Tobias (iv., 7 to 12), we read: “Give alms out of thy substance, and turn not away thy face from any poor person; for, so it shall come to pass that the face of the Lord shall not be turned from thee. The writer feels that there ought to be such a Conference in every parish, quite irrespective of whether there are poor families or poor individuals there or not. It will be seen that many of the works are concerned about the needs of the body, whilst others have for their direct purpose the soul‟s requirements, though, even where they care for the body, they have always the soul in view. It set Ozanam thinking deeply and praying much for guidance. Through this relationship Jesus reveals who God is. He emphasises the same idea in the case of the parable of the man and the beggar at his gate. It is not confined to those who are immediately bound to us by ties of blood; nor is it confined to those who are our friends; nor yet to those who, though not in our circle of friendship, live in our immediate vicinity; nor even to all those who claim Australia as their common country. This has been a long disquisition, and it would not be surprising if much that was said in the beginning, or middle, of this paper may be lost sight of in the multitude of suggestions made. He did not want to accept the gift and closed his life to the movement of the Spirit. Straightway he began to employ that method, and the result is the St. Vincent de Paul Society as we see it today. He has made it possible for us all to claim it, by identifying Himself with the poor, and taking as done to Himself what we do, for the love of God, for our fellow human beings in distress. Nihil obstat: It reads thus: “Deal thy bread to the hungry, and bring the needy and the harbourless into thy house. The leaders in the revolutionary movement had become steeped in the infidel philosophy of Voltaire, Rousseau, and the Encyclopedists, and they had sedulously disseminated these ideas through the ranks of the people generally. There, then, are the sources from which are derived the means to help the poor and keep up the institutions and special works fathered by the society—(a) Periodic appeals in our churches; (b) the Poor Box; (c) occasional donations in money or kind; and (d) very occasional bequests. Alms shall be a great confidence before the Most High God, to all them that give it.”, In the Psalms (xi., 1 to 4): “Blessed is he that understandeth concerning the needy and the poor. He issues from them in peace, and then vows to spend his life in serving the sacred cause of Truth. That completes a wonderful list, of promises from the Old Testament, selected from a bewildering collection. Presently they formed themselves into a little Study Circle, to equip themselves with arguments to refute the wrong teaching of the professors and the erroneous opinions of most of the students. He says: “For, I was hungry, and you gave Me to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me to drink; I was a Stranger, and you took Me in; naked, and you covered Me; sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.”, Naturally, this arouses amazement in the minds of those so addressed, and Our Lord represents them as asking “Lord, when did we see Thee hungry, and fed Thee; thirsty, and gave Thee to drink? Is that what God wants? We all know, too, that the advocates of that system are very active in our own midst here in Australia, fully determined to put their theories into practice amongst us. Besides the Daughters of Charity Vincent de Paul secured for the poor the services of the Ladies of Charity, at the request of the Archbishop of Paris. This is the second of the supernatural motives. They meet to discuss what they can do to meet the need they see in their own immediate surroundings. It is, then, the purpose of this paper to show, first of all, why we, Catholics, should help to the fullest extent of our ability; and, secondly, to advocate the cause of the St. Vincent de Paul Society as a divinely given method of applying our help with the greatest possible efficiency. In this question we include all four sources of revenue—viz., periodic appeals, the poor box, donations in money or in kind, and bequests by will. When things do not turn out well, God is still present. St. Vincent DePaul Society (Helping the Poor in our Community) Offers the hospitality of Jesus by caring for the homeless and the hungry. They are the subjects of their own lives, not the recipients of pity and handouts. These services are funded through donations, fundraising activities and enterprises run by the Society. St. Vincent wanted his priests and nuns to be simple in the sense that they did everything out of love of God, and not for other reasons. In that letter, he drew attention to the approaching celebration of the centenary of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. How incomprehensible are His judgments, and how unsearchable His ways! We return to the Vincentian past, to St. Vincent and his Christology, because it can illuminate our present day process, Not everything that St. Vincent said is useful today. To do so purely out of natural sympathy is, at best, only a natural virtue, such as we should expect to find in one savage towards another. J. DONOVAN, The Christian community has to struggle with the meaning of those sacred texts. After all, 30 or 40 men out of the total number in a parish is very small, and non-Catholics can be pardoned for not knowing whence the funds do come. Finally, in the course of an argument, that was particularly heated, between the Catholic youths and some of their op- ponents, a taunt was thrown into the teeth of Ozanam, who had defended the Church and Christianity by an able ex- position of all that these two great forces had done for the world down through the ages. Obviously in the Twenty-first Century new questions have arisen about Christ, the service of the poor, etc. Yes! They know nothing of the real nobility of human life. Most of these are conducted by religious, who work without salary and purely for the love of God. That was what Monsieur Bailly meant, when he said to the young members of the first Conference: “If you really want to serve the poor and yourselves, direct your charity to moral and spiritual, rather than to material improvement. They promise every blessing in life and in death, blessings for body and soul, blessings for Time and Eternity. He points out the characteristics of the missionary Christ: simplicity, humility, meekness, mortification, apostolic zeal. There rises before the imagination a picture in which there are three outstanding figures. He shows us who God is. Rather it is an experience of the Spirit. Wasn‟t it God? The second is to urge these same people to ever keep their motive pure, giving what they do give out of pure love of God and of their fellow-man, without seeking for any commendation in consequence. Not so long before it burst in all its horror upon the world, there appeared a book, written by Norman Angell, which was hailed with intense enthusiasm. In a world warped by materialism and declining respect for human life, the Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. “For, of Him, and by Him, and in Him are all things. Homelessness was a major focus of St. Vincent’s charitable work – from accommodating foundling children abandoned by their parents, to organizing aid for those displaced by conflict in Lorraine, to … That is the fundamental question that all believers have to ask in every generation. That, He could not experience. As long as man is as he is, when national pride is touched, all the financial complexities in the world will not stop war.” Unfortunately, it was not long before the nations were at one another‟s throats, and when next the two parties in the argument met, the advocate of Norman Angell‟s views was wearing khaki and serving as a surgeon in the army of the Allies. Catholics! Not through suffering in itself. We should help the poor. Temptation? They are the priority in the Kingdom of God. It may be our turn next. Listen to Him: “The King, answering, shall say to them: Amen, I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these, my least Brethren, you did it to Me.”. Everything is in the hands of God our Father, Even when things turn out badly, God accompanies us. etc). The experience of Christ in the poor is sacramental. One day, when the professor was unusually violent in his impious denunciation of the Church and Christianity, Ozanam could not repress showing his disgust by shrugs and other actions, which drew on him the attention of those around—attention that was hostile on the part of the majority, but attention that was frankly commendatory from at least one. Human Trafficking Addressed in Multiple Ways at the UN Recently. For these two purely natural considerations, therefore, we ought to keep our eyes open to see the misery around us, and our hearts kindly disposed to come to the relief of our fellow-men, no matter what their class, religion, political conviction, or nationality. Atheism and agnosticism had spread afar, and the enemies of the Church gloated over what seemed to them the deathbed of Catholicism, and, indeed, of Christianity. He began to take stock of his resources, and his former connections with the wealthy and influential led him to seek their financial assistance. You are entitled to make reasonable provision for your dependents, but, beyond that, you have a duty to your less-favoured brethren. Ampere, and others. The victim was his enemy—at least, he was of a race which he despised. The Master Himself said: “Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth,” and the St. Vincent de Paul man is trained to ever keep that in his mind. When he was only 15 years of age, he wrote a defence of the doctrines of the Church against the errors of the Simonians which called forth the wondering eulogy of such a master as Lamartine. You will notice, if you are observant, that, in the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the former was condemned, not because of any positive cruelty to the latter, but simply because he neglected to succour him. There is no need to give any long list, because Our Lord‟s own classic promise covers all. Required fields are marked *. They put us in contact with our own sinfulness and weakness and call us to compassion. It may, then, be useful to summarise it all. The Gospel narrative is touching in its simplicity. The Society of St Vincent de Paul currently has eight regional offices located around the country. We go back to the Christian past, not because the reflections and doctrines of the past have the last or only word, but because those teachings have value and can illuminate our faith journey in the present. I think he does the same for us. Indeed, there can be no real love of God without this love of the neighbour, especially when his poverty puts him in need of our practical love. The general Catholic body reading it, may be urged to greater fidelity in co-operation, if they have already tried to be faithful, or to become co-operators, either by joining up or by helping in a financial way, if they have not already done so. Vincent knew well the theological currents of his time: the Augustinian negativity, the humanism of Francis de Sales, etc. Why so? The first councils (Nicea, Ephesus, Chalcedon) tried to understand better the meaning of the Christ. The distinctive work that Ozanam and his companions had in view, when they began this exercise of charity, was the visitation of, and assisting of the poor in their own homes. In September 2013, Roger Playwin, CEO of the St. Louis-based National Council of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, will step down after 10 years in the position. “Amen, I say to you: As long as you did it to one of these, my least brethren, you did it TO ME,” and “Amen, I say to you: As long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it TO ME” (St. Matthew XXV, 40 and 45). They call us to love the unloveable. While there he became a chaplain to the Count of Goigny and was placed in charge of distributing money to the deserving poor. At any rate, there is often this much punishment that the blessings promised to those who succour the poor are not given to those who fail to do so, and life is all the poorer in consequence. Humanity, alone, should impel us, in these hard times, to be quick to see and prompt to act, even to the extent of self-denial, when our fellow mortals are pinched with want, and still more when to want is added sickness. From this interlocking, the author drew the conclusion that war was an impossibility, precisely because of this self- interest. Everyone as he hath determined in his heart, not with sadness or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver.”. Members of the society reading it can find, if they try, reminders of what should be the spirit actuating them in all they do. It is always the realization of the Kingdom coming to be. His vow to serve Truth all his days was fresh in his memory, and he burned to defend the Church against both the professors and his fellow-students. If thou have much, give abundantly; if thou have little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little; for, thus thou storest up for thyself a good reward for the day of necessity. Indeed, it would not be desirable that such should be the case, because that would limit this amazing charity to the few, whereas the whole purpose is better served where many share in it—the multitude giving what it can, and the members of the society doing the active work of dispensing. – Saint Vincent de Paul Even though the poor are often rough and unrefined, we must not judge them from external appearances nor from the mental gifts they seem to have received. That would be to forget that one is only performing a duty—obeying a command of God, disobedience to which involves severe punishment. Then there are poor schools, industrial schools, hostels, deaf and dumb institutes, a hospice for the dying, and various other institutions, each meeting some particular call of poverty or affliction. At any rate, the end of life finds them in Sanctifying Grace, and they are gladly surprised to find that many of their “little unremembered acts of kindness and of love,” done through the years of their pilgrimage, have merited for them a wondrous reward. In the spirit of love and justice, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Sacramento Diocesan Council provides help to our neighbors in need through person-to-person service. Nevertheless, St, Vincent, faithful to the teachings of the Church, was never a slave to what he received from the tradition. By his actions to heal the sick, feed the multitudes, forgive sins, give life to the dead Jesus communicates what the love of God means. One human being should ever have compassion for another who is in want or suffering, and, to the honour of humanity be it said, it is not often one meets with men so heartless as not to be moved by the distress of others. Principally from the generosity of our Catholic people. So far he had tried to keep that vow of his: “I will consecrate my days to the service of that Truth that has given me peace,” and he had tried to keep it by what seemed to him the obvious way—viz., that of argument in its defence. We all saw a classic instance of this in the recent calamitous World War. A man like us in all things except sin, says St. Paul. He did not want them to do things to impress their superior or out of human respect. Christian life and the Church’s theology (liturgy, sacraments, ecclesiology, spirituality, moral theology, etc.) (3) The third reason is the one on which the writer I would wish to lay most stress. An examination of the charitable institutions conducted by religious communities and others, under the guidance of the Catholic Church, in our own land of Australia would, we venture to think, cause much surprise even to our own Catholics, both on account of their number and the variety of, forms of distress for which they cater. Through him, a meeting was arranged with the famous Dominican preacher, Père Lacordaire, who thenceforth frequently joined in the activities of the Study Circle, and gave to the instruction of Ozanam and his friends all his great learning and polemical skill. They do not, however, stop there. We said above that, in the design of God, this society seems to be the very best means calculated to meet the needs of the times. It is not so with any money entrusted to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. For a long, long time the ordinary people had been seething with discontent under the oppression of the aristocrat and upper classes generally. Very soon the lecture hall of the University became the scene of animated discussion, and the young Catholic champion had the courage to even openly question the teaching given from the professorial chairs. There can be little doubt that many of the wills of wealthy people are displeasing to God, and they often bring their own punishment even in this life— we have seen many children ruined because of the wealth they inherited. In addition to adding their mite when any appeal is made to the Catholic people in the churches, and remembering the Poor Box often during the year, they actually have a secret collection at their weekly meetings to which all give whatever they can afford, and the way in which that collection is taken up is such that no one knows what his neighbour gives. These are the virtues of Jesus, the evangelizer of the poor. And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at his gate, full of sores, desiring to be filled with the crumbs that fell from the rich man‟s table, and no one did give him.”, Continuing, he pictures the fate of the two: “And it came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham‟s bosom; and the rich man also died, and was buried in hell.”. The next year he left his father‟s home at Lyons to go to the University of Paris, where he was to complete his studies for his career in life. This is the backbone of Vincentian Christology. It would be absurd to do so, seeing that St. Vincent lived 300 years ago, while this society is in existence only 100 years. The Lord will deliver him in the evil day. What it signifies to the worldling does not matter. But not everything is found in the Bible. Those two nations were Ireland and Poland. It has to be accepted in freedom. Nevertheless, every time the Christian community answers some questions about Jesus, new questions come up. “This society, then, is a branch of the great tree of Charity, whose life-giving sap is drawn from the Heart of Our Lord, passing en route through the heart of St. Vincent.”. With regard to donations in kind, he had often felt that all the people need is guidance from their leaders. Why should we take these into consideration, each according to our respective means? Why should that make any special appeal? In any case, even when times are normal, a bout of sickness for the breadwinner of a family can alter the whole face of things for people who never before knew anxiety about the “what shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or wherewith shall we be clothed.”. In this way, it seems divinely destined to meet the special need of our times, and will, under God, do much to bring mankind back from the maze into which it has wandered. His life was not a long one; he died when he was but 40 years of age, but, in that comparatively short life, is crowded a record of good deeds, and of permanent work established, that might well be the envy of many who have lived beyond the allotted span of three score years and ten. :—, (e) Why we should consider this society when we are debating in our minds the distribution of what money we can spare amongst the numerous charitable works sponsored by the Church. Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall hear; thou shalt cry, and He shall say: Here I am. They would then have been able to face the inevitable reaction after the destructive period with, at least, their faith in God unimpaired. Many of these people are very skilful in deception—they can tell a plausible tale that would move the heart of a stone. It was into the midst of a world such as this that a child was born who was destined to write his name in large and lasting characters across the pages of the histories of France and of the Church. When, then, the reasons that follow are examined, it will be found that much that is contained in them might easily be applied to any of our charitable works; but it will also be found that there are some considerations that have special reference to this Society. St. Vincent returns to the Gospels in order to understand his experience of Jesus. And from that place among the poor we have to answer: Who is Jesus? According to thy ability, be merciful. There were Christological ideas that Vincent did not take from theology books, but rather from his own missionary experience. Catholics, of course, do know. God commands, Christ confirms the command and set a yet higher standard-—no motive can be greater than that. 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