We are in the midst of scheduling exciting presenters to provide timely educational sessions on essential school-based policing, school safety, and drug education topics. Conference presentations are selected through a blind peer-review process. Sessions will raise awareness of emerging challenges, offer overviews of best practices, highlight research findings, and promote strategies for improving student and faculty success. NOSS exists to assist education professionals in making a positive difference in the lives of students. EDxED is an annual education conference for educators by educators from Hudson High School of Learning Technologies in New York City. Past topics have included suicide prevention,creating a school mental health system in your school, strategies forinternalizing and externalizing behaviors, trauma-informed care,creating a trauma-sensitive school, youth perspective, LGBTQ+mental health awareness and needs, culturally responsive schoolmental health, racial trauma, restorative justice, risk factors &resiliency, juvenile justice, and much more. Each year, Educators Rising hosts a national conference to convene our network of rising educators and teacher leaders. The Texas Charter Schools Conference aim is committed to advancing the quality of public charter schools and improving student achievement through strengthening, motivating and collaborating with our Texas charter leaders. To get a feel for DLAC, Tickets URL: https://www.deelac.com/registration, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.deelac.com/call-for-proposals-1. The National Youth-At-Risk Conference is designed to provide quality, relevant training for all people interested in the well-being of youth. Buy Tickets URL: https://convention.tcea.org/, Presentation Proposals URL: https://convention.tcea.org/, Buy Tickets URL: https://chep.teaching.vt.edu/, Presentation Proposals URL: https://chep.teaching.vt.edu/. Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.fetc.org/register. Educational Technology Conferences 2021/2022/2023 is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that might want to attend events, meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, summit, and symposiums. Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.fetc.org/. Tickets URL: https://literacyconference.org/cost/, Contact Email: orders@readingrecovery.org. The emphasis of every conference is to provide practical, usable information in a climate of open discussion and collaborative exchange. As the EdTech program of EducationPlus, the Midwest Education Technology Community (METC) is an educational technology program and premier affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). ITL provides hours of intensive, immediately applicable learning to professionals of all levels, including early career faculty, private practitioners transitioning into education, and experienced faculty looking to sharpen their teaching skills. The Forum follows a constructivist-based design and teaches best practices of presenting. 5 Research-Backed Tips to Improve Your Online Teaching Presence. The conference will include 29 sessions; a morning plenary at which Executive Director of the Center for Media & Social Impact, Caty Borum Chattoo will host a session titled “The Creative Power of “Yes, And” in a World of “No, But”: Comedy for Empowering Community and Social Justice”; and a luncheon plenary titled “Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment” led by Interim Deputy Provost, Monica Jackson. Conference participants are made up of faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers that come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. The only Conference in the tertiary sector which covers the full range of functions in institutions, and is designed to allow participants to build strong global networks. Summer 2021 Conference. TYSONS, Va., Jan. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- PenFed Credit Union, the nation's second largest federal credit union, hosted its Board Education Conference on … Join the event for dynamic dialogue on the evolution of work and the revolution needed to thrive in the uncertain times ahead. The conference showcases the best pedagogical practice and research in higher education today. Led by literacy experts and authors, sessions focus on best instructional practices for educators. Learn great new strategies from educators who are changing the lives of their students and transforming their colleges into learner-centered institutions. Our participants represent educators at all stages in their academic careers in nearly every discipline found in higher education. Michigan Association For Computer Users in Learning Conference is one of the Midwest's largest educational technology conferences with 5000+ educators from across Michigan, the region, and Canada. If you choose to cancel your registration there is a $25 cancellation fee until February 4, 2021. One thing we know: the visionary voice of educational leaders is needed more than ever. The Elon Teaching and Learning Conference theme is Cultivating Curiosity. This conference will explore ways to improve self-acceptance, love, and compassion; how self-awareness, esteem, identity, confidence, concepts, and perceptions affect achievement; and how becoming a more "authentic" you will improve your teaching, classroom environment, and connections with students. NAHUC Annual Education Conference is dedicated to promoting health unit coordinating as a profession through education and certification, complying with the NAHUC Standards of Practice, Standards of Education, and Code of Ethics. The National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators (formerly the National Title I Association) is dedicated to building the capacity of education professionals to provide disadvantaged children with a high quality education. Since 1984, this annual forum has brought together academic chairpersons, administrators, and faculty from all areas of higher education to celebrate their successes, share best practices and innovative strategies, and collaborate with a network of campus leaders. You will discover innovative strategies and best practices for integrating technology into classrooms, campuses, and libraries for district-wide success. State Highlight; Part B Data Managers; 619 Coordinator; Meet the Directors; 619 Executive Council: 2020-2021; Resources. Buy Tickets URL: http://www.faccc.org/event/2020-california-great-teachers-seminar/. We will also consider some basic/foundational proposals geared toward those newer to the field. Earn continuing education (CE) credits and find opportunities for collegial networking with thousands of nurse practitioners (NPs) ... Save the Date for the 2021 AANP National Conference in Anaheim, California! The Safe & Civil Schools National Conference will cover areas like proactive tips and strategies that you can use to create a safe and productive learning environment. Event URL: https://www.easleadership.com/fliconference/, Tickets URL: https://www.easleadership.com/fliconference/. Event URL: https://www.league.org/inn2020, Buy Tickets URL: https://www.league.org/inn2020, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.league.org/inn2020. CASE Conference for Student Advancement provides the opportunity to the attendees to join more than 600 advancement staff and students in Orlando for CASE premier annual student advancement conference. The 2020 online summer conference is an all multiple-paper conference. Model Schools Conference 2021, a newly designed hybrid professional learning experience for all K-12 leaders and teachers. Buy Tickets URL: https://www.peteandc.org/index.cfm, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.peteandc.org/index.cfm. Every year, we feature resource-rich workshops led by and for teachers of Deaf children on a range of topics from academic language to addressing diverse needs. Looking for the daily schedule? Buy Tickets URL: https://ate1.org/annual-events, Presentation URL: https://ate1.org/2020-summer-conf-call-for-proposals. Buy Tickets URL: https://www.athe.org/event/2020virtual, Presentation URL: https://www.athe.org/page/20_proposal. State Council of Education. Event URL: https://s1.goeshow.com/ice/annual/2021/index.cfm, Tickets URL: https://s1.goeshow.com/idea/annual/2021/registration_form.cfm. This is where you can add new events. Event URL: http://ldaamerica.org/events/annual-conference/, Tickets URL: http://ldaamerica.org/events/annual-conference/. If you are organizing an education event and would like us to add it to the Bizzabo blog, click here to submit it. IDEAcon is a teaching and learning conference that attracts educators, educational leaders, and pre-service teachers from PreK - Higher Ed. Subscribe To Our Newsletter To Get Content Delivered To Your Inbox. The Conference will have various sessions and presentations that will focus on how to implement computers and related technologies in education. The conference specifically addresses the needs of those who plan, manage, and support distance education activities. Distance Teaching & Learning Conference is looking for quality presentations intended for advanced practitioners in distance, online, or blended education and training. For university faculty, teacher educators, curriculum specialists, social studies department leaders, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as P-12 educators, the conference features presentations that appeal to all. Event URL: https://10times.com/sna-annual-national-conference-nashville, Buy Tickets URL: https://10times.com/sna-annual-national-conference-nashville, Presentation Proposals URL: https://10times.com/sna-annual-national-conference-nashville. This is the moment to reimagine career development and its impact on education, the economy and social justice. Annual CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference where to hear about what other independent schools are doing to develop successful advancement programs. Lecce says, “We are announcing an extension of the emergency program of free daycare and other supports for frontline workers”. Pacific Coast Research Conference is an annual research meeting held on the West Coast in mid-winter. These stories motivate, connect, and ignite new ideas that help higher education prepare for whatever is next. The conference is designed for newly appointed permanent, interim, and acting deans, this seminar is intended to quickly orient participants to the responsibilities that are integral to this key leadership position. - 1, Convention Center Plaza - Springfield, IL, JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa, San Antonio, USA Join speakers and sessions that will accelerate your summer learning plans and help get you prepared for the school year. This year’s concurrent sessions will be 75 minutes in length. Buy Tickets URL: https://www.nche.com/thrive/registration/. General sessions and breakout panels provide up-to-date information on topics that are relevant to Superintendents and other administrators, Buy Tickets URL: https://www.iasaedu.org/Page/38, Presentation URL: https://www.iasaedu.org/cms/lib/IL01923163/Centricity/Domain/22/Call%20for%20Presentations-2020%20IASA%20Ann.%20Conf.pdf. Buy Tickets URL: http://conference.aemta.org/registration/. The head of the Business Council has a seat on the ATEA Executive Committee. Never before has the need for technology, innovation, and creativity been greater than it is in the current hour. IPAC Canada 2021 National Education Conference 2021 Vision. CCAP Annual Conference and Trade Show provides county leaders with information and guidance related to legislation, education, media, insurance, technology and many other issues that help create and maintain crucial services for residents throughout the state. Our sessions are shorter, livelier, and more interactive than most conferences, creating a high-energy gathering built on sharing and conversations. This year’s lineup features Cornelius Minor, Gerry Brooks, Pernille Ripp, Mary Fried, Anthony Muhammad, Sharroky Hollie, & many more. California Great Teachers Seminar is a high energy, powerful summer retreat that brings faculty together in search of the "great teacher" within themselves. IPAC Canada Conference Office . The conference will include a general keynote address, breakout sessions, and a parent panel discussion. Use these justification tools to create a persuasive proposal so you can get the approval you need to attend. Many educators are familiar with Psychologist Abraham Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" and his theory that certain needs must be met before people are motivated to move up to become self-actualized - or the best you can become. Event URL: https://hecse.net/events/winter-summit/, Tickets URL: https://hecse.net/membership/why-join/. Immerse yourself in powerful ideas and inspirational speakers, while connecting with innovative educators who share your passion for transformative learning. 2021 National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students Suggested Topics by Focus Area Innovations Conference is the foremost convening for professionals dedicated to improving and enhancing teaching and learning, leadership and management, and the community college experience. Fuel your passion for learning during a weekend of top-notch keynotes, educator-led breakout sessions, and workshops designed to provide you with resources and skills you can use in your classroom and school site right away. Bring the Family Leadership Institute to your community! Higher Education Consortium for Special Education Summit is committed to teacher educators, school administrators, field researchers, disability and education advocates, policymakers, and related service professionals. The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites - Los Angeles, CA . Mitigating risk in the face of significant change becomes central to the success of a new initiative, regardless of whether the University is aiming at modernizing the infrastructure, managing BYOD strategies, providing better IT support or adopting new teaching and learning tools, Buy Tickets URL: https://higheredciocongress.com/vip-registration, Presentation URL: https://higheredciocongress.com/request-an-invitation. Learning & the Brain's one-day virtual conference on the Science of Teaching will be held on February 20, 2021. Together we explore and find solutions for the unique issues facing digital teams at colleges and universities. Surround yourself with Physics Educators from around the globe and develop and strengthen professional connections. Save the date for June 24-27. Educators and scholars from more than 100 countries exchange ideas and practices, explore a wide range of topics and current trends, expand their professional networks, engage in mentoring on research and other projects, review the latest professional publications and resources, and learn about advocacy efforts in their community and around the world, Event URL: https://www.tesol.org/attend-and-learn/calendar-of-events, Buy Tickets URL: https://www.tesol.org/attend-and-learn/calendar-of-events, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.tesol.org/attend-and-learn/calendar-of-events, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching aims to build a field around the use of improvement science and networked improvement communities to solve longstanding inequities in educational outcomes, Event URL: https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/engage-with-us/events/summit-improvement-education/, Buy Tickets URL: https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/engage-with-us/events/summit-improvement-education/, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/engage-with-us/events/summit-improvement-education/, Save the dateNSTA is holding its 68th national conference in Boston, Massachusetts, in April 2020. A conference created by and for higher education professionals across all departments and divisions. FLI Practitioner Training Summit is a four-day training for FLI Practitioners. Tickets URL: https://www.amtesol.org/membership, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.amtesol.org/presentations, Contact Email: webmaster.amtesol@gmail.com, ICALAHE 2021 : International Conference on Academic Learning and Administration in Higher Education is the premier interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Academic Learning and Administration in Higher Education. The Summit has continued to grow and in 2020 will hold 17 Conference events in two major cities, Melbourne and Brisbane. The International Society for Technology in Education hosts the ISTE Conference and Expo, a two-day, interactive, media-rich, and vibrant professional development learning experience. Buy Tickets URL: https://txautism.esc2.net/content/registration, Presentation URL: https://txautism.esc2.net/Call_For_Proposals. Buy Tickets URL: https://www.corporatecompliance.org/conferences/academies/2020-august-basic-compliance-ethics-academy, Contact Email: jennie.nguyen@corporatecompliance.org. The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) is a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology in the educational field. Event URL: https://www.peteandc.org/index.cfm, Tickets URL: https://www.peteandc.org/attendeeinfo.cfm, Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) International Leadership Conference and Expo, 55th annual, Event URL: https://www.aaie.org/conferences-seminars/future-aaie-international-leadership-conferences, Tickets URL: https://www.aaie.org/join/aaie-membership, DLAC celebrates K-12 digital learning practitioners, researchers, and policymakers; learn from each other; and share best (and worst!) CCAP supports county leadership that is responsive to the needs and circumstances of citizens. The conference concludes with a virtual end-of-conference social. Started in 2010 with a collaboration between Arizona State University and Global Silicon Valley (GSV), the annual ASU+GSV Summit is the industry catalyst for elevating dialogue and driving action around raising learning and career outcomes through scaled innovation. IASA Leadership Conference is a member-driven professional organization for K-12 school administrators that offers local educational news delivered regularly to your inbox, provides the opportunity to discuss urgent matters, share best practices, seek advice and brainstorm solutions, etc. The pandemic forced many events to shift their strategies and apply coronavirus best practices for events. Subscribe Today! Get plugged in with other ed techs, and make connections here that last through the years. Event URL: https://www.acsi.org/events/early-education/2021-ee-conf-holden, Tickets URL: https://www.acsi.org/events/leadership-conferences-exhibitor-contract-and-registration. Home > Education > Conferences & Workshops > 2021 National Conference Save the Date CDHA looks forward to hosting its next national conference in collaboration with the ADHA, October 28-30, 2021 , in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. With all that's on your plate, where can you turn to reset, recharge, and regroup? Cancellations. The learning experiences offered are intended to help individuals advance their career, as well as increase effectiveness and productivity at their institution. After a busy day spent exploring Atlantic City, savor elevated pub fare and dynamic local brews at our award-winning Tun Tavern, unwind in our indoor pool or stretch your muscles in our 24-hour Sheraton Fitness Center. WISE is the pioneering conference for faculty leaders, program coordinators, and administrators to develop the knowledge and skills needed to help students advance their intercultural skills and awareness during their abroad experiences. May 3 - 5, 2021. Buy Tickets URL: https://conference20.txdla.org/register/, Presentation URL: https://conference20.txdla.org/present/. Pennsylvania Association for Middle-Level Education State Conference has decided to once again go out on their own to provide outstanding middle-level professional development opportunities for all attendees. Their annual Convention & Exposition showcases the most influential thinkers and leaders in education, along with the biggest names in the ed-tech business, all sharing a wealth of knowledge with our attendees. Thursday, February 25 and Friday, February 26 will include four blocks of presentations, followed by a poster session (with breaks provided throughout).Saturday, February 27 will include the Senior Researcher Address and additional meetings. Exhibits. Event URL: http://www.atia.org/conference/, Tickets URL: https://www.atia.org/register-atia-2021/, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.atia.org/call-for-presentations/. What’s next for teaching and learning? Event URL: https://www.ncsa.org/events/emerging-administrators-day-1-2-3, Tickets URL: https://www.ncsa.org/membership. It’s one of the most effective ways to create discipline in your... Resources for teachers, parents, and students to help deal with stress and changes during the pandemic, Discover the importance of social-emotional learning and activities to promote empathy in the classroom, Best practices for resiliency and self-care for teachers, Strategies and tools to implement the trauma-informed approach in classrooms and schools, Cultivating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Resources to help build an equitable classroom environment where diversity and inclusion is appreciated, Learn the best ways of adapting technology to be useful in your classroom environment, Strategies, tips, and teaching concepts to help teachers succeed in the classroom, Insightful content to help you design the ultimate curriculum – for on-campus and online teaching, The best ways to implement self-care and resilience that are relevant to teachers, Helpful content addressing the needs of higher education professionals for online teaching, The latest trends and challenges in education, Read the latest published articles on Resilient Educator, By
Buy Tickets URL: https://iicehawaii.iafor.org/, Presentation Proposals URL: https://iicehawaii.iafor.org/. The 2020 Academic Chairpersons Conference, the event's 37th year, will take place at the Hyatt Regency Savannah on February 5-7, 2020. This international event provides a forum for collaboration among academic experts and thought leaders while granting participants exclusive access to the most inventive and inspirational community college programs from around the world. Districts, schools, and organizations will receive their Practitioner Certification and 2-year license agreement upon successful completion of the summit. practices in this new and innovative conference. The AAIE 2020 CONVERSATION will pull together multiple threads of diversity: learning access for those who learn differently, supporting linguistic equity, building success on our different strengths, addressing key issues such as ethnic diversity in our faculties, women in leadership, socio-economic disparity and access to our schools....the things that many of us care deeply about. Event URL: https://www.edevents.org/conferences/56/reaching-high-expectations-success-for-all-technol, Tickets URL: https://www.edevents.org/conferences/56/reaching-high-expectations-success-for-all-technol, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.edevents.org/proposals/submit/56. The 2021 NEA ESP Conference will be held virtually March 19-21, with a special ESP of the Year celebration on Friday, March 26. Event URL: http://www.winston-sa.org/outreach/learning-symposium.cfm, Tickets URL: http://www.winston-sa.org/outreach/learning-symposium.cfm, Presentation Proposals URL: http://www.winston-sa.org/outreach/presentation_archives.cfm. Annual Adventures In Autism Intervention And Research Conference will highlight areas like Next Year Is Now - Educating Children With Autism Is A Team Game, Helping School-Aged Students With Autism Succeed In General Education Classrooms, Safety Issues in Children with ASD and Other Developmental Disabilities, Typical and Atypical Development: Social Communication - When Should We Be Concerned, etc. Join over 1,000 educators, researchers, practitioners, parents, adults with learning disabilities and others who have an interest in the field. Together, 18 non-profit educational organizations are focused on creating an unforgettable learning experience rich in innovative ideas, best practices, and sharing what works. The CICE is an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practices in education. AASA is searching for the “best of the best” presenters to engage attendees in conversations around cutting edge trends, issues and solutions in education. Each year, NSTA hosts a national conference on science education (in the spring), three area conferences (in the fall), and a STEM Forum & Expo. After February 4, 2021, refunds are not available. The Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Conference will bring together higher-education scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers in and beyond the state of Florida to share research, to discuss critical issues, and to promote opportunities for collaboration. NAFSA 2021 Annual Conference & Expo NAFSA: Association of International Educators, the world’s largest association dedicated to international education and exchange, invites you to the NAFSA 2021 Annual Conference and Expo! Event URL: https://10times.com/leadershipeducators, Buy Tickets URL: https://10times.com/leadershipeducators, Presentation Proposals URL: https://10times.com/leadershipeducators. Join a gathering of innovators harnessing emerging technology to expand access to participatory, playful, and creative learning. The conference is designed to provide superb professional development and networking opportunities for K-8 classroom teachers, intervention (Reading Recovery, Special Education, ESL) teachers, instructional coaches, program specialists, and administrators. The conference gives attendees an opportunity to explore new tools, discover the latest trends, gain valuable resources and network with like-minded educators. President’s Message. National Reading Recovery & K-6 Literacy Conference will provide powerful, research-based professional development to support educators. The NCHE Homeschool Conference aims to equip and encourage homeschooling families through an abundance of outstanding speakers and workshops, connect homeschool families with each other to build relationships and a strong community, celebrate our teens and alums through special workshops, fun activities, fellowship, the talent showcase and our state-wide graduation, and connect and equip homeschoolers with quality curriculum resources through our extensive vendor hall. The community needs you. Through excellent training and research, we nurture learning and innovation to improve the world for people with disabilities. In 2020, we offered STEM20: Virtual Event in lieu of the face-to-face STEM Forum & Expo and NSTA Engage: Fall20 in lieu of the face-to-face area conferences. Innovative School Summit Orlando will feature a great line-up of award-winning and nationally recognized speakers. The 2021 National Education Summit Virtual incorporates four conference streams plus the Education Show Virtual Exhibition. Buy Tickets URL: https://cshe.berkeley.edu/ela. Event URL: https://metcedplus.org/mod/page/view.php?id=415, Buy Tickets URL: https://metcedplus.org/mod/page/view.php?id=415, Presentation Proposals URL: https://metcedplus.org/mod/page/view.php?id=415. Their ESEA Network website provides a host of resources to educators at all levels. You'll hear from blockbuster keynoters, learn from top experts and innovators in education technologies, experience AI-based networking to build your PLN, and explore the cutting-edge FETC Virtual Expo where solution providers will demonstrate all the latest apps, hardware, software and tech tools to help your school or district emerge stronger in this new era. NOW What's on the Horizon? The Assistive Technology Industry Association goal is to serve as the collective voice of the assistive technology industry so that the best products and services are delivered to people with disabilities. Participants can expect to leave the meeting feeling revitalized and armed with the necessary resources to return to their campuses to face any challenges. Although students today may feel lost, detached, and uncertain about their future, educators can help them cope and grow by meeting their psychological needs. Cultivating Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity:... https://resilienteducator.com/news/list-of-educational-conferences/. Buy Tickets URL: https://maculconference.org/, Presentation Proposals URL: https://maculconference.org/. Young Audiences Arts for Learning's National Conference brings together arts experts, teachers, artists and other arts organizations from around the country. Stay up-to-date on the latest operational information critical to your job … We are here for you. With the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, tomorrow is today, the future is now. Lilly-San Diego is part of the overall Lilly Conference Series which have provided opportunities for the presentation of the scholarship of teaching and learning for nearly 40 years. Many teachers feel stressed and overwhelmed, especially as schools have made the big transition to virtual school or hybrid models. Buy Tickets URL: https://www.lillyconferences-nc.com/lodging, Presentation URL: https://www.lillyconferences-nc.com/proposals. March 4 … Confirmations for accepted sessions will be e-mailed in mid-October, Event URL: https://s6.goeshow.com/nsta/national/2020/overview.cfm, Buy Tickets URL: https://s6.goeshow.com/nsta/national/2020/overview.cfm, Presentation Proposals URL: https://s6.goeshow.com/nsta/national/2020/overview.cfm, Join more than 7,000 school board members, superintendents, and education leaders from across the country and around the globe and gain valuable knowledge in leadership, advocacy, learning technology, urban school issues, and school law, Event URL: https://www.nsba.org/Events/NSBA-Annual-Conference-and-Exposition, Buy Tickets URL: https://www.nsba.org/Events/NSBA-Annual-Conference-and-Exposition, Presentation Proposals URL: https://www.nsba.org/Events/NSBA-Annual-Conference-and-Exposition. 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